Beets (BEETS)

Beets (BEETS)

Coin Information

Blockchain icon Blockchain: Sonic
Ticker icon Ticker: BEETS
Type icon Type: Token
Asset or Contract address icon Contract:

Price Statistics

Market Cap

Fully Diluted Valuation

Coin Supply

Circ icon Circ.: 156 118 714(64%)Question Mark Icon
Total icon Total: 243 555 253
Max icon Max: 250 000 000

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About Beets

Beets (BEETS) is a flagship platform for liquid-staked tokens within the Sonic ecosystem. It enhances the user experience by offering seamless staking and the opportunity to earn a real yield on LST-focused liquidity pools. With a total value locked (TVL) of approximately $106.35 million and a 24-hour trading volume of around $2.01 million, Beets is rapidly positioning itself as a leader in the liquid staking space. Users can stake various tokens and explore numerous liquidity pools, catering to various investment styles and strategies.

The liquid staking system provided by Beets, particularly through its stS mechanism, redefines the staking experience by combining liquidity, security, and competitive yields. This innovative approach allows users to convert their assets into stS tokens, which yield continuous staking rewards while ensuring liquidity. As a component of the Sonic ecosystem, stS provides flexibility for users to engage seamlessly across decentralized finance (DeFi) applications, accessing lending markets and liquidity pools without interrupting their gains. The robust security measures, including audited contracts and transparent governance, establish a trustworthy environment for users’ assets.

Besides staking features, Beets incorporates governance through maBEETS, enabling users to make decisions while earning rewards without locking their assets. The system rewards active participation and long-term commitment by adjusting voting power based on the positions’ maturity. By continually building on its security and transparency frameworks, including rigorous audits and community oversight, Beets fosters a vibrant DeFi community dedicated to collaboration and innovation. Ultimately, Beets is a comprehensive hub for liquid staking, real yield generation, and advancing decentralized financial solutions.

Frequently Asked Questions

We currently have no price information of Beets BEETS available.
The circulating supply of Beets is 156118714.
The total supply of Beets is 243555253.
The max supply of Beets is 250000000.
Unfortunately the country of Beets is unknown.
Beets is a token running on the Sonic blockchain.
The contract address of Beets is 0x2d0e0814e62d80056181f5cd932274405966e4f0.

Github Statistics (Development)

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