Centric Cash (CNS)

Centric Cash (CNS)

Coin Information

Blockchain icon Blockchain: Tron
Ticker icon Ticker: CNS
Type icon Type: Token
Proof type icon Proof type: Unknown
Algorithm icon Algorithm: Unknown
Asset or Contract address icon Contract:

Price Statistics

Market Cap

Fully Diluted Valuation

$59 339

Coin Supply

Circ icon Circ.: 99 250 987 436(100%)Question Mark Icon
Total icon Total: 99 250 987 436
Max icon Max: 99 250 987 436

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About Centric Cash

Centric Cash (CNS) is a global currency built on the Binance Smart Chain, offering an innovative dual-token economy. Centric aims to create a stable and trusted digital currency widely accepted worldwide. With its decentralized blockchain protocol and sound economics, Centric provides reliable and untethered financial freedom for the next generation.

The Centric ecosystem operates through two tokens: Centric Rise (CNR) and Centric Swap (CNS). Centric Rise acts as a store of value and offers a fixed hourly yield, rewarding early adoption. The Centric Protocol governs the token exchange and regulates the token supply, ensuring stability. On the other hand, Centric Swap provides liquidity and can be traded on exchanges, offering an elastic supply that serves as a demand indicator for the Centric economy.

Centric’s vision is to be a globally accepted currency that is stable, reliable, and trusted. The project emphasizes long-term adoption, stability, and utility. Centric aims to create a synthetic-stable currency through its dual-token model, where the exchange rate between Centric Swap and Centric Rise gradually increases over time. This model promotes early adoption and stabilization as the economy grows. Centric strives to become a viable alternative to fiat currencies, offering price discovery, censorship resistance, fast international transactions, and the benefits of a public blockchain ledger.

Frequently Asked Questions

We currently have no price information of Centric Cash CNS available.
The circulating supply of Centric Cash is 99250987436.
The total supply of Centric Cash is 99250987436.
The max supply of Centric Cash is 99250987436.
Unfortunately the country of Centric Cash is unknown.
Centric Cash is a token running on the Tron blockchain.
Centric Cash reached an all-time-high of 0.0184256 USD on 3 Aug 2020.
The contract address of Centric Cash is TMJWuBDvwvcm6QUWXDaC6GqTyq3FgEmWEt.

Github Statistics (Development)

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