Chronobank (TIME)

Chronobank (TIME)

Coin Information

Flag of Australia Australia (AU)
Blockchain icon Blockchain: Ethereum
Ticker icon Ticker: TIME
Type icon Type: Token
Asset or Contract address icon Contract:

Price Statistics

Market Cap

Fully Diluted Valuation

$9 079 909

Coin Supply

Circ icon Circ.: 710 113(100%)Question Mark Icon
Total icon Total: 710 113
Max icon Max: 710 113

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TIME to USD Converter

About Chronobank

Chronobank (TIME) is a blockchain-based fintech company that provides business HR solutions. With the belief that blockchain technology can unlock new employment opportunities for individuals worldwide, Chronobank aims to streamline global access to work and payments, ensuring prompt and fair compensation. The company offers a comprehensive ecosystem for HR and finance, reducing or eliminating barriers in recruitment and payment processes for workers and employers.

The Chronobank ecosystem includes several products. LaborX is a global recruitment platform that connects individuals with work opportunities and enables them to get paid in cryptocurrency. TimeX is a Plasma-based exchange combining centralized and decentralized technologies, offering the best of both worlds regarding speed, security, cost, and protection against illegal activities. PaymentX is an automated cryptocurrency payroll solution for businesses, allowing them to pay their teams easily using crypto and manage regular payment schedules. Additionally, Chronobank offers AUDT, a fiat-backed stablecoin linked to the Australian dollar.

Since its foundation in 2016, Chronobank has achieved significant milestones in the blockchain and cryptocurrency. With a suite of products designed to revolutionize the world of recruitment and HR, the company has attracted over 100,000 registered users on LaborX. It has integrated with various blockchain networks such as Tron, Polygon, Waves, and Binance Smart Chain. As a forward-thinking company, Chronobank continues to innovate and expand its ecosystem to create a more accessible and efficient global job market.

Frequently Asked Questions

The current price of Chronobank TIME is 12.796 USD.
The circulating supply of Chronobank is 710113.
The total supply of Chronobank is 710113.
The max supply of Chronobank is 710113.
Chronobank is based in: Australia.
Chronobank is a token running on the Ethereum blockchain.
Chronobank reached an all-time-high of 563.572 USD on 11 Jan 2022.
The contract address of Chronobank is 0x485d17A6f1B8780392d53D64751824253011A260.

Github Statistics (Development)

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