Coop Coin (COOP)

Coop Coin (COOP)

Coin Information

Blockchain icon Blockchain: Algorand
Ticker icon Ticker: COOP
Type icon Type: Token
Asset or Contract address icon Contract:

Price Statistics

Fully Diluted Valuation

Coin Supply

Total icon Total: 21 000 000
Max icon Max: 21 000 000

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About Coop Coin

Coop Coin (COOP) is a cryptocurrency that has gained popularity within the Algorand blockchain community. Created by Cooper Daniels, COOP was fully distributed as a surprise to those who had opted in. Unlike other tokens, coop was not expected to have any value or token roadmap, but the Algorand community took a keen interest. Liquidity pools were established; some sold their holdings while others bought more. This sudden surge in interest made Coop the talk of the town, and community members began building around it.

One innovative aspect of the Coop community is the Coop Quiz/Game, where users can test their knowledge and have fun while earning a Coop coin. The community is actively working on adding game functionalities to mobile apps, making it an engaging and educational experience for participants. Additionally, the Community Rewards Vault (CRV) has been created by D13 and funded by the Coop Coin community. The CRV pools Coop and liquidity pool tokens have a current value of approximately $14,969.07+. This capital will be utilized to bring longevity and utility to Coop, guided by a two-tier Governance structure.

The Coop coin project is led by Cooper Daniels, often called ‘Coop’s father. Cooper distributed Coop coins to surprise those who had opted in and did not reserve any for himself. The project is supported by a team of developers, game managers, video editors, social media editors, and publishers who work on marketing, advertisement, and website organization. It is important to note that Coop coin is a community-driven initiative with no company, investors, CEO, or pre-sale. Anyone can join the community through social channels and join the growing network.

Frequently Asked Questions

We currently have no price information of Coop Coin COOP available.
The circulating supply of Coop Coin is unknown
The total supply of Coop Coin is 21000000.
The max supply of Coop Coin is 21000000.
Unfortunately the country of Coop Coin is unknown.
Coop Coin is a token running on the Algorand blockchain.
The contract address of Coop Coin is 796425061.

Github Statistics (Development)

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