Coupit (COUP)

Coupit (COUP)

Coin Information

Blockchain icon Blockchain: NEO
Ticker icon Ticker: COUP
Type icon Type: Token
Company icon Company: Coupit
Asset or Contract address icon Contract:

Price Statistics

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About Coupit

Coupit (COUP) is a disruptive blockchain-based platform that aims to reinvent the global e-commerce marketplace. It combines an affiliate program with the creation of a giant e-commerce marketplace, offering a secure, smart, and easy-to-use solution. The platform utilizes the NEO blockchain and features easy cryptocurrency payment integration and a digital arbitration system. Coupit provides sellers with an analytics dashboard to track visitor interactions and improve engagement efforts, while also ensuring seamless redemption of coupons and enabling crowdsourcing to increase product exposure.

Coupit is developing two mobile applications: a standalone wallet app and a global marketplace app. Once users enter the Coupit ecosystem, they can manage everything within these apps. The team believes that blockchain and smart contracts, specifically those written in NEO, will become the core standard for many industries. Coupit’s NEP-5 token leverages blockchain technology to drive exclusive deals and offers a platform for businesses to increase their product exposure. The token will be released on the NEO blockchain, and there will be a token sale in Q3 of 2018.

Coupit has a clear roadmap outlining its future development plans. The roadmap includes integrating with popular third-party shopping cart software, releasing alpha and stable versions of the marketplace app, and expanding the platform’s vendor base. The team behind Coupit is committed to creating an innovative e-commerce solution and includes experienced professionals in various areas such as development, legal, marketing, and cybersecurity. The platform has already gained attention in the media, with endorsements and partnerships contributing to its growing reputation in the industry.

Frequently Asked Questions

We currently have no price information of Coupit COUP available.
The circulating supply of Coupit is unknown
The total supply of Coupit is unknown.
The max supply of Coupit is unknown.
Unfortunately the country of Coupit is unknown.
Coupit is a token running on the NEO blockchain.
The contract address of Coupit is 87d6c2ae68d6a6f411eb72232e75133b2ffc7142.

Github Statistics (Development)

Total Commits

COUP Markets on Crypto Exchanges

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