CryptoGPT Token (GPT)

CryptoGPT Token (GPT)

Coin Information

Blockchain icon Blockchain: CryptoGPT Token
Ticker icon Ticker: GPT
Type icon Type: Cryptocurrency

Price Statistics

Market Cap

Fully Diluted Valuation

$6 797 203

Coin Supply

Circ icon Circ.: 318 000 000(11%)Question Mark Icon
Total icon Total: 3 000 000 000
Max icon Max: 3 000 000 000

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About CryptoGPT Token

The CryptoGPT Token, with ticker GPT, is a blockchain-based cryptocurrency developed by LayerAI. LayerAI aims to provide blockchain technology to states, banks, financial startups, and users worldwide. Built on the LayerAI network, GPT is the dedicated blockchain for AI development and transactions, operating in the Web3 space of the Internet of AI. The LayerAI ecosystem offers various products and services, including an AI assistant named Alex, AI2Earn VPN for monetizing data, a data marketplace, and the Layer Marketplace for buying and selling data capsules.

With GPT, users can mint AI Data Capsules, which allow them to monetize their behavioral data with their permission. These capsules represent datasets acquired from internet activity and can be offered for monetization in the AI2Earn program. The LayerAI ecosystem also includes the KyotoX AI Finance Hub, a personal finance superapp for decentralized AI projects. LayerAI utilizes zkRollup technology, ensuring scalability, low-cost transactions, and compatibility with Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) libraries. The network is designed to be uncontrollable by centralized influence, with a mining model and security aligned with activity to ensure network security.

LayerAI has a roadmap for future development that includes the launch of the Layer Marketplace, AI2Earn VPN, and Data Capsule Minting. The global data Layer-2 testnet and mainnet releases are planned, along with the deployment of KyotoX on the LayerAI mainnet. The team behind CryptoGPT Token includes Dejan Erja, an experienced blockchain developer and former lead engineer of Ripple’s decentralized wallet and exchange Gatehub, and other professionals with expertise in AI and app development.

Frequently Asked Questions

The current price of CryptoGPT Token GPT is 0.00228565 USD.
The circulating supply of CryptoGPT Token is 318000000.
The total supply of CryptoGPT Token is 3000000000.
The max supply of CryptoGPT Token is 3000000000.
Unfortunately the country of CryptoGPT Token is unknown.
CryptoGPT Token is a cryptocurrency running on its own blockchain.
CryptoGPT Token reached an all-time-high of 0.093952 USD on 9 Mar 2024.

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