district0x (DNT)

district0x (DNT)

Coin Information

Blockchain icon Blockchain: Ethereum
Ticker icon Ticker: DNT
Type icon Type: Token
Asset or Contract address icon Contract:

Price Statistics

Market Cap

Fully Diluted Valuation

$30 114 664

Coin Supply

Circ icon Circ.: 1 000 000 000(100%)Question Mark Icon
Total icon Total: 1 000 000 000
Max icon Max: 1 000 000 000

Blockchain Explorers

district0x Price Chart

DNT to USD Converter

About district0x

district0x (DNT) is a network of decentralized marketplaces and communities powered by Ethereum, Aragon, and IPFS. It enables users to create, operate, and govern their districts, which are non-custodial and censorship-resistant applications. Anyone can deploy a district to the network for free, and all districts come with core functionalities such as posting and listing, search and filtering, ranking and reputation systems, and payments and invoicing. The network is based on the d0xINFRA Web3 framework, which consists of Solidity smart contracts and front-end libraries distributed on IPFS. Districts can also implement unique features and enhanced functionality through auxiliary modules.

The district0x Network Token (DNT) is a multi-utility token that plays a crucial role in the district0x ecosystem. It is required for access to the network and can be used for incentivized voting on proposals made by network participants. DNT holders can also stake their tokens to deposit pools and mint tokens that provide district-specific voting rights on platforms like Aragon. Voting rights allow users to participate in decision-making processes related to a district’s creation, design, functionality, code of conduct, and integrations. The district0x DAO encourages the submission of new ideas through an open community proposal process, with DNT holders determining which applications to build and deploy next.

In addition to its districts, district0x hosts several projects on its network. Ethlance is a decentralized job market portal, Name Bazaar is a peer-to-peer marketplace for exchanging ENS domain names, Meme Factory enables creating and exchanging meme NFTs, and Stream Tide is a grants matching platform. The district0x Project team continues to deploy districts to the district0x Network, serving as a sandbox for refining the d0xINFRA framework and showcasing the potential of decentralization. All internet citizens can join and contribute to districts on the district0x Network, allowing them to build without censorship or intermediaries.

Frequently Asked Questions

The current price of district0x DNT is 0.0313202 USD.
The circulating supply of district0x is 1000000000.
The total supply of district0x is 1000000000.
The max supply of district0x is 1000000000.
district0x is based in: United States of America.
district0x is a token running on the Ethereum blockchain.
district0x reached an all-time-high of 0.482887 USD on 6 Jan 2018.
The contract address of district0x is 0x0abdace70d3790235af448c88547603b945604ea.

Github Statistics (Development)

Total Commits

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