Divi (DIVX)

Divi (DIVX)

Coin Information

Blockchain icon Blockchain: Divi
Ticker icon Ticker: DIVX
Type icon Type: Cryptocurrency
Proof type icon Proof type: Unknown
Algorithm icon Algorithm: POS 3.0

Price Statistics

Market Cap

Fully Diluted Valuation

$7 583 077

Coin Supply

Circ icon Circ.: 3 888 354 948(100%)Question Mark Icon
Total icon Total: 3 888 354 948
Max icon Max: 3 773 860 608

Blockchain Explorers

Divi Price Chart

DIVX to USD Converter

About Divi

Divi (DIVX) is a digital currency that makes crypto easy for everyone. With a mission to accelerate the adoption of digital currencies, Divi is building future financial solutions. Unlike many other projects, Divi owns a fintech, uniquely positioning them to consolidate financial services into one frictionless package. Their user-friendly apps provide an industry-leading user experience, aligning with users’ lives and making crypto less confusing. Divi is creating the next generation of crypto products.

Divi offers a complete financial ecosystem that includes proof of stake network, Divi Nodes, and Divi Vaults. With their competitive rates of return, users can easily put their assets to work and earn rewards. Divi Wallet, their digital wallet, allows users to send money to friends by simply tapping their username, eliminating the need for confusing addresses. Divi also offers effortless crypto conversion, allowing users to convert any crypto to DIVI or other currencies with low fees and complete flexibility.

As a collaborative ecosystem, Divi values the contributions of its users, businesses, and developers. They strive to be better every day because of their community. Developers are invited to join Divi in building the future of finance, while businesses can explore partnership opportunities. Divi is committed to providing a space where users can participate in the global economy, put their money to work, and simplify their crypto journey. Discover the power of Divi (DIVX) and join the best crypto community.

Frequently Asked Questions

The current price of Divi DIVX is 0.00184969 USD.
The circulating supply of Divi is 3888354948.
The total supply of Divi is 3888354948.
The max supply of Divi is 3773860608.
Divi is based in: Saint Kitts and Nevis.
Divi is a cryptocurrency running on its own blockchain.
Divi reached an all-time-high of 0.187846 USD on 2 Dec 2021.

Github Statistics (Development)

Total Commits

DIVX Markets on Crypto Exchanges

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