Evmos (EVMOS)

Evmos (EVMOS)

Coin Information

Blockchain icon Blockchain: Evmos
Ticker icon Ticker: EVMOS
Type icon Type: Cryptocurrency

Price Statistics

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Circ icon Circ.: 548 629 120Question Mark Icon

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About Evmos

Evmos (EVMOS) is a cross-chain cryptocurrency that provides cross-chain connectivity and EVM (Ethereum Virtual Machine) compatibility. Powered by the Cosmos interoperability framework, Evmos allows users to supercharge their smart contracts with developer-friendly tools and unlock the power of seamless interoperability between different blockchain networks. Whether you’re a developer looking to build innovative applications or a user seeking enhanced functionality, Evmos offers the tools and resources you need to harness the full potential of cross-chain capabilities.

Discover the Evmos ecosystem, which encompasses many web3 applications built on Evmos. From exchanges and dashboards to developer tools and NFT initiatives, the ecosystem is constantly expanding. To support builders and projects within the Evmos ecosystem, the platform also offers a grants program that provides funding opportunities through open and special bounties. Join the Evmos community through various channels such as Discord, Telegram, and Twitter to engage with fellow users and stay up-to-date with the latest news, releases, and events.

At Evmos, the commitment to growth and innovation is outlined in the Evmos Manifesto, which envisions Evmos as a stable and vibrant home for millions of builders, users, and communities. By providing extensive documentation, step-by-step guides, FAQs, and an academy, Evmos empowers developers with the knowledge and resources needed to build cross-chain applications. Join Evmos in shaping the future of blockchain by exploring the ecosystem, learning at the Evmos Academy, and participating in the grants program.

Frequently Asked Questions

The current price of Evmos EVMOS is 0.00659017 USD.
The circulating supply of Evmos is 548629120.
The total supply of Evmos is unknown.
The max supply of Evmos is unknown.
Unfortunately the country of Evmos is unknown.
Evmos is a cryptocurrency running on its own blockchain.
Evmos reached an all-time-high of 3.28683 USD on 14 Sep 2022.

Github Statistics (Development)

Total Commits

EVMOS Markets on Crypto Exchanges

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