Fabwelt (WELT)

Fabwelt (WELT)

Coin Information

Blockchain icon Blockchain: Polygon
Ticker icon Ticker: WELT
Type icon Type: Token
Asset or Contract address icon Contract:

Price Statistics

Market Cap

Fully Diluted Valuation

$530 435

Coin Supply

Circ icon Circ.: 228 992 000(46%)Question Mark Icon
Total icon Total: 500 000 000
Max icon Max: 500 000 000

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About Fabwelt

Fabwelt is a high-end gaming ecosystem that combines blockchain technology, Play-to-earn, and in-game NFTs to enhance the gaming experience. With a diverse range of genres like 3D First Person Shooter, Action-adventure, Simulation, Strategy, and Fantasy, Fabwelt offers multiple high-end games for players to enjoy. Ingame NFTs serve as assets, collectibles, and strategic utilities, adding excitement to gaming on the Blockchain. The unique Play to Earn concept allows players to enjoy with friends and family while earning rewards.

Fabwelt connects all its games in one digital reality called the Gamingverse. Gamers power this never-before-seen concept and feature Universal NFTs, digital cross-game Identity, and Multi-Tiered Tournaments. To provide never-ending fun, Fabwelt strives to create a cohesive gaming experience across all its games. Whether you’re first-person shooters, fantasy sports, or a water racing fan, Fabwelt offers various gaming options to suit every player’s preferences.

Arsenal, one of Fabwelt’s flagship games, offers an immersive gaming experience with thrilling tournaments and a Play to Earn feature. Players can compete against others and earn rewards while owning unique in-game NFTs. The game’s high-quality graphics and smooth performance make it a must-try for fans of FPS games. Meanwhile, Fanwelt aims to provide a comprehensive fantasy gaming platform for sports enthusiasts, offering multiple games across various sporting genres. With features like in-game NFTs, Play to Earn, and in-game DeFi, Fanwelt promises an exciting and immersive gaming experience. Additionally, the upcoming game H20 combines water racing with Play to Earn, allowing players to earn rewards while enjoying the adrenaline rush of speed and collecting valuable in-game NFTs.

Frequently Asked Questions

The current price of Fabwelt WELT is 0.00106674 USD.
The circulating supply of Fabwelt is 228992000.
The total supply of Fabwelt is 500000000.
The max supply of Fabwelt is 500000000.
Unfortunately the country of Fabwelt is unknown.
Fabwelt is a token running on the Polygon blockchain.
Fabwelt reached an all-time-high of 0.104293 USD on 2 Dec 2021.
The contract address of Fabwelt is 0x23e8b6a3f6891254988b84da3738d2bfe5e703b9.

Github Statistics (Development)

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