Few and Far (FAR)

Few and Far (FAR)

Coin Information

Blockchain icon Blockchain: NEAR
Ticker icon Ticker: FAR
Type icon Type: Token
Asset or Contract address icon Contract:

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About Few and Far

Few and Far (FAR) is an innovative protocol to enhance NFT trading and Web3 interactions. At the core of this ecosystem lies the FAR Token, a native fungible token that serves many purposes, including facilitating experiences related to trading, tooling, identity, and rewards. As a one-stop destination for NFTs and digital collectibles, Few and Far aims to simplify access to the burgeoning digital asset landscape.

The platform enables users to engage with non-fungible tokens through a marketplace where individuals can trade and collect unique digital assets. Additionally, Few and Far introduce pNFTs and the FNF-007 standard, allowing creators to mint and ship digital collectibles without extensive coding knowledge. To further enhance engagement, the protocol hosts quests and promotions that offer users the opportunity to earn rewards, reinforcing a community-driven approach to the NFT experience.

Furthermore, Few and Far boasts several features that distinguish it within the market. With guaranteed and flexible royalties, creators have more control over their engagement with their digital collections. The platform also addresses common barriers to entry for non-native users by providing a frictionless onboarding experience and significantly lower minting fees than other leading Layer-1 blockchains. As a result, businesses can launch digital collections quickly and efficiently, focusing on utility rather than technical hurdles, while contributing to a carbon-neutral ecosystem.

Frequently Asked Questions

We currently have no price information of Few and Far FAR available.
The circulating supply of Few and Far is unknown
The total supply of Few and Far is unknown.
The max supply of Few and Far is unknown.
Unfortunately the country of Few and Far is unknown.
Few and Far is a token running on the NEAR blockchain.
Few and Far reached an all-time-high of USD on .
The contract address of Few and Far is far-token.fewandfar-protocol.near.

Github Statistics (Development)

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