Forta (FORT)

Forta (FORT)

Coin Information

Blockchain icon Blockchain: Ethereum
Ticker icon Ticker: FORT
Type icon Type: Token
Asset or Contract address icon Contract:

Price Statistics

Fully Diluted Valuation

$88 476 315

Coin Supply

Total icon Total: 1 000 000 000
Max icon Max: 1 000 000 000

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About Forta

Forta Network, with the ticker FORT, is the leading decentralized security and operational monitoring network for wallets, developers, and investors in the Web3 ecosystem. It provides real-time detection of threats and anomalies using machine learning, ensuring the security and health of smart contracts. With a total value of over $44 billion, Forta offers timely and relevant alerts to users, enabling them to interact with their Web3 assets confidently. Backed by top projects in the industry, Forta is renowned for its flexibility, reliability, and decentralized approach.

Forta’s mission is to revolutionize decentralized tracking and response to protocol threats. Its decentralized solution empowers users to monitor and protect all their assets in the Web3 ecosystem. With endorsements from industry leaders such as the VP of Engineering at a prominent company and the CEO of a major entity, Forta is poised to impact Web3 security significantly. Notable users, including Instadapp, Uma, Lido, Poly Network, Liquity, and Vesper, have entrusted Forta with their security needs.

Joining the Forta community means staying updated with the latest news, product updates, community events, and developments of the FORT token. By subscribing, users gain exclusive access to Forta’s Discord channel, where they can engage in discussions and join conversations with like-minded individuals. Forta’s commitment to privacy and integrity is reflected in its legal policies, ensuring that users’ information is protected. With Forta, investors, developers, and wallet holders can experience a new level of security and peace of mind in the Web3 ecosystem.

Frequently Asked Questions

The current price of Forta FORT is 0.0884763 USD.
The circulating supply of Forta is unknown
The total supply of Forta is 1000000000.
The max supply of Forta is 1000000000.
Forta is a decentralized coin.
Forta is a token running on the Ethereum blockchain.
Forta reached an all-time-high of 0.631156 USD on 29 Apr 2023.
The contract address of Forta is 0x2a736aaca5199b5cf82646c9e6f6e7bc583ea94d.

Github Statistics (Development)

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