Fuse Network (FUSE)

Fuse Network (FUSE)

Coin Information

Blockchain icon Blockchain: Fuse Network
Ticker icon Ticker: FUSE
Type icon Type: Token
Asset or Contract address icon Contract:

Price Statistics

Market Cap

Fully Diluted Valuation

$4 975 755

Coin Supply

Circ icon Circ.: 253 154 871(68%)Question Mark Icon
Total icon Total: 369 576 970

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About Fuse Network

Fuse Network, with ticker FUSE, is a blockchain designed for businesses and developers looking to integrate web3 payments into their applications. It provides a comprehensive suite of infrastructure tools, including the Fuse SDK and API, to make it easy for companies to upgrade their apps and save on development costs. The Fuse blockchain is Layer 1 Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM)-compatible, allowing for easy migration of existing applications from other EVM-compatible networks. With a sub-5-second average block generation time and low transaction fees, Fuse offers fast and cost-efficient crypto transactions. Businesses and merchants can embrace decentralized finance (DeFi) services and create customized mobile-first payment solutions using the Fuse network, turning their audience into a micro-economy.

Fuse differentiates itself by pioneering the development of Account Abstraction and integrating innovative Web3 solutions like smart contract wallets and Decentralized Identifier solutions. It offers advanced features and services for payments, such as accounting, invoicing, recurring and automated payments, and consumer protection. With Fuse, businesses and communities can achieve complete financial control, cut off intermediaries, and accept multiple cryptocurrencies or create their economy. The Fuse Wallet SDK provides enhanced security and user experience for managing Fuse Smart Wallets, which are non-custodial accounts associated with each user’s Externally Owned Account (EOA). The Fuse Network is fully open source and composable with Ethereum-based contracts, welcoming integration and expansion from dApps on other blockchains.

Fuse Network has gained traction since its launch in 2019, with over 1.3 million unique accounts and 180,000 customers onboarded. It aims to become the main B2B blockchain for payments, with a growing ecosystem of projects ranging from food delivery apps and consumer loyalty programs to local currencies and stablecoins. Fuse provides funding and grants through its Fuse Ignite program, consisting of a $10 million on-chain DeFi incentives fund and a $2.5 million grant fund. The network rewards validators with FUSE tokens, and Operators, which are real-world businesses running applications on Fuse, cover payment-related fees. With its focus on accessibility and empowering businesses with web3 payments, Fuse Network is positioned to drive the adoption of blockchain technology in various industries.

Frequently Asked Questions

The current price of Fuse Network FUSE is 0.0134757 USD.
The circulating supply of Fuse Network is 253154871.
The total supply of Fuse Network is 369576970.
The max supply of Fuse Network is unknown.
Unfortunately the country of Fuse Network is unknown.
Fuse Network is a token running on the Fuse Network blockchain.
Fuse Network reached an all-time-high of 2.14652 USD on 20 Jan 2022.
The contract address of Fuse Network is 0x5857c96dae9cf8511b08cb07f85753c472d36ea3.

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