GlobalToken (GLT)

GlobalToken (GLT)

Coin Information

Blockchain icon Blockchain: GlobalToken
Ticker icon Ticker: GLT
Type icon Type: Cryptocurrency
Proof type icon Proof type: Proof-of-Work (PoW)
Algorithm icon Algorithm: Multiple

Price Statistics

Market Cap

Fully Diluted Valuation

$20 359

Coin Supply

Circ icon Circ.: 132 764 000(100%)Question Mark Icon
Total icon Total: 132 764 000
Max icon Max: 168 000 000

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About GlobalToken

GlobalToken (GLT) is a multi-algorithm cryptocurrency that supports 60 mining algorithms, making it the largest proof-of-work cryptocurrency in the world. With its extensive algorithm support, GLT optimizes mining, resulting in faster transaction speeds and lower costs, making it suitable for daily use. Founded in 2016, GlobalToken operates using peer-to-peer technology without a central authority, where the network collectively manages transactions and money issuance. The core team ensures network support on all continents with an official mining pool for all algorithms and offers masternodes for individuals to contribute to the network.

GlobalToken is designed for fast confirmation times, with transactions being confirmed in as little as 60 seconds. Through Instant Send, users can send GLT instantly between wallets. The cryptocurrency also focuses on keeping transaction fees low. With no pre-mine, GlobalToken promotes fairness and aims to build a large organic community to ensure strong and stable growth. The total supply of GLT is approximately 168,000,000 coins, enabling a secure peer-to-peer network with ample volume for the community. The use of 60 mineable algorithms makes a 51% attack nearly impossible.

GlobalToken is actively traded on eight exchanges and offers various wallet download options for different operating systems. The cryptocurrency also provides masternode hosting services and supports platforms for monitoring and managing masternodes. With its merchant-friendly features and faster block times, GlobalToken offers an ideal environment for fast and secure worldwide online payments. The dedicated team behind GlobalToken continually updates their roadmap and encourages community involvement in the project’s progress.

Frequently Asked Questions

We currently have no price information of available.
The circulating supply of is unknown
The total supply of is unknown.
The max supply of is unknown.
is based in: Turkey.
is a cryptocurrency running on its own blockchain.

Github Statistics (Development)

Total Commits

GLT Markets on Crypto Exchanges

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