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HanaGold (HNG)

HanaGold (HNG)

Coin Information

Blockchain icon Blockchain: KardiaChain
Ticker icon Ticker: HNG
Type icon Type: Token
Asset or Contract address icon Contract:
Old name icon Old name: HanaGold Token

Price Statistics

Fully Diluted Valuation

Coin Supply

Total icon Total: 30 000 000
Max icon Max: 30 000 000

Blockchain Explorers


Website icon
Offline icon Inactive

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HanaGold Price Chart

HNG to USD Converter

About HanaGold

HanaGold (HNG) is a platform that connects gold merchants to buyers, offering a convenient way for customers to choose designs and buy accumulating gold online based on its market value. HanaGold’s ecosystem includes chain shops where customers can receive their gold offline. Established in 2020, the company is an innovative start-up enterprise in gold, silver, and gemstones. With a vision to become the national gold brand by 2025, HanaGold aims to apply 4.0 technology to developing Vietnam’s gold, silver, and gemstone industry, making gold more versatile. The company’s core values include safety, convenience, and speed.

HanaGold stands out in the market with its pioneering application of NFT (Non-Fungible Token) technology to jewelry collections, making them unique and exclusive in Vietnam. In addition to issuing NFTs tied to physical pieces, HanaGold plans to launch a line of digital-only NFTs, similar to the NFT artwork offered in various marketplaces. HanaGold’s ecosystem includes various products and services, such as the HanaGold branded gold coin, jewelry shops, gold vouchers, jewelry rental, jewelry processing, and more. The company aims to provide customers with value, convenience, and peace of mind.

To stay connected with customers and provide them with easy access to information and services, HanaGold offers a mobile app. Users can download the app for free and create an account easily. The app provides access to news, updates from jewelry stores, market news, and franchise information. It also offers features like buying and selling gold, accumulation, investing, and mortgage services. HanaGold has a total token allocation of 30,000,000 HNG, with various allocations for different purposes, including a reserve fund, team, community and airdrop, marketing, partners and ecosystem, and strategic investors.

Frequently Asked Questions

We currently have no price information of HanaGold HNG available.
The circulating supply of HanaGold is unknown
The total supply of HanaGold is 30000000.
The max supply of HanaGold is 30000000.
Unfortunately the country of HanaGold is unknown.
HanaGold is a token running on the KardiaChain blockchain.
The contract address of HanaGold is 0x148De93957ED77f8D5546323b1EdA0Bf06eB52f3.

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