Coin Information

Blockchain icon Blockchain: Hedera Hashgraph
Ticker icon Ticker: HBARK
Type icon Type: Token
Asset or Contract address icon Contract:

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About hBARK

hBARK (HBARK) is a community engagement token designed for a unique and interactive experience within the Hedera ecosystem. Launched alongside The Barking Game, hBARK serves as a utility token that fosters creative engagement among users. As Season 3 gains momentum, participants have the opportunity to partake in an exciting partnership with The Creators Galaxy Foundation, which involves airdropping 500,000 $CLXY to active community members. This innovative approach not only enhances the user experience but also incentivizes engagement through various activities.

The Barking Game introduces a fun and engaging way for users to connect with one another by “barking” for notable contributions made by their peers. The gamified structure encourages members to buy and hold hBARK while rewarding them for participation. By using their tokens to support others on social platforms such as X/Twitter, users can accumulate Bark Power, which further amplifies their engagement within the community. The leaderboard system refreshes regularly, providing real-time recognition for those who excel in promoting fellow barkers.

The liquidity mining aspect of hBARK presents additional rewards for contributors to the HBAR/HBARK pool on SaucerSwap. Participants can earn both Bark Power and hBARK tokens daily without locking their liquidity provider tokens, allowing for flexibility and ease of use. It is essential to note that while hBARK fosters an entertaining environment with no guarantees of financial return, it encourages users to enjoy the platform and connect with others in a meaningful way. As the community continues to grow, the emphasis remains on collaboration and creativity within the Hedera blockchain ecosystem.

Frequently Asked Questions

We currently have no price information of hBARK HBARK available.
The circulating supply of hBARK is unknown
The total supply of hBARK is unknown.
The max supply of hBARK is unknown.
Unfortunately the country of hBARK is unknown.
hBARK is a token running on the Hedera Hashgraph blockchain.
The contract address of hBARK is 0.0.5022567.

Github Statistics (Development)

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