Hideaways (HDWY)

Hideaways (HDWY)

Coin Information

Blockchain icon Blockchain: Hideaways
Ticker icon Ticker: HDWY
Type icon Type: Cryptocurrency

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About Hideaways

The Hideaways (HDWY) is a revolutionary coin changing how investors participate in luxury property investments. It offers a unique approach to real estate investment, allowing users to invest in a fully managed portfolio of luxury properties worldwide. Each Hideaways Non-Fungible Token (NFT) is backed by a physical luxury property and is broken down into fractions, making it accessible to investors for as little as $100. This platform aims to remove barriers to real estate investment by offering passive income through fully managed rentals, secondary capital appreciation through NFT trading, and membership benefits through their ecosystem.

With The Hideaways, investing in luxury real estate becomes accessible to everyone. Traditional real estate investment often requires significant capital and offers limited upfront returns. However, The Hideaways reduces the risk exposure by underpinning crypto investments with physical assets. Investors can enjoy passive income through fully managed rentals, secondary passive income through staking of The Hideaways token, and exclusive membership benefits through their Club Hideaway. Additionally, their revolutionary trading platform enables users to buy and sell fractionally owned NFTs backed by physical real estate, providing flexibility and convenience.

The HDWY token rewards investors like no normal real estate investment can. It offers exclusive monthly reward drops for all members, including all-inclusive holidays in portfolio properties. Discounts on fees and initial properties reserved solely for pre-sale participants are also available. For those looking for VIP benefits, Gold, Platinum, and Diamond tier memberships offer access to first-class lounges, global concierge services, exclusive club memberships, and more. The Hideaways’ tokenomics allocate the pre-sale, staking rewards, liquidity, marketing, exchange listings, founding team, and partnership and advisor allocations for a well-rounded ecosystem.

Frequently Asked Questions

The current price of Hideaways HDWY is 0.00120241 USD.
The circulating supply of Hideaways is unknown
The total supply of Hideaways is unknown.
The max supply of Hideaways is unknown.
Unfortunately the country of Hideaways is unknown.
Hideaways is a cryptocurrency running on its own blockchain.
Hideaways reached an all-time-high of 0 USD on 1 Jan 1970.

Github Statistics (Development)

HDWY Markets on Crypto Exchanges

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