HyperFUN (FUN)

HyperFUN (FUN)

Coin Information

Blockchain icon Blockchain: Hyperliquid
Ticker icon Ticker: FUN
Type icon Type: Token
Asset or Contract address icon Contract:

Price Statistics

Fully Diluted Valuation

Coin Supply

Total icon Total: 10 777 755
Max icon Max: 10 777 755

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Online icon Online

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HyperFUN Price Chart

FUN to USD Converter

About HyperFUN

HyperFUN (FUN) represents the first all-in-one GambleFi deflationary token within the HyperLiquid ecosystem. Designed to cater to the emerging sector of GambleFi and utilities, HyperFUN introduces an innovative approach that aims to redefine how users engage with gambling-related financial products. The token operates on a deflationary model where 0.25% of every losing bet is burned, promoting scarcity and potential value appreciation for the remaining tokens.

The HyperFUN experience is further enhanced through various engaging minigames, including a slot game where players can hit the magical 777 to multiply their bets significantly. With an emphasis on winning potential, these minigames are anticipated to attract a diverse gaming audience looking for excitement and potentially lucrative opportunities. Additionally, other gaming options are expected to be introduced, expanding the entertainment value within the HyperFUN ecosystem.

The HyperFUN Dashboard is a comprehensive tool for users, offering all-in-one tracking and analysis of spot and perpetual data specific to the HyperLiquid platform. This dashboard provides real-time market data, enabling users to monitor performance and optimize trading strategies effectively. The roadmap for HyperFUN outlines future developments, which include an expanded dashboard and advanced features for games, all aimed at enhancing user experience and engagement within the platform.

Frequently Asked Questions

We currently have no price information of HyperFUN FUN available.
The circulating supply of HyperFUN is unknown
The total supply of HyperFUN is 10777755.
The max supply of HyperFUN is 10777755.
Unfortunately the country of HyperFUN is unknown.
HyperFUN is a token running on the Hyperliquid blockchain.
The contract address of HyperFUN is 0x3dc9f93c39ddd9f0182ad1e584bae0d4.

Github Statistics (Development)

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