Hyperliquid (HYPE)

Hyperliquid (HYPE)

Coin Information

Blockchain icon Blockchain: Hyperliquid
Ticker icon Ticker: HYPE
Type icon Type: Token
Asset or Contract address icon Contract:

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About Hyperliquid

Hyperliquid (HYPE) is a pioneering cryptocurrency designed to tackle the fragmentation of the current financial landscape by facilitating the development of projects, the creation of value, and the exchange of assets on a singular, high-performance blockchain. This innovative platform allows users to start trading and building within a seamless ecosystem, promoting a more unified approach to decentralized finance.

The flagship application of Hyperliquid is its premier decentralized exchange, which operates with minimal costs, featuring zero gas fees and low fees on all orders. Its transparent system ensures that every trade, funding, and liquidation occurs directly on the Hyperliquid Layer 1, supported by an efficient on-chain order book. With an impressive block time of just 0.2 seconds and the capacity to handle up to 200,000 transactions per second, the platform is optimized for high-frequency trading, allowing users to leverage their investments with up to 50x leverage.

Hyperliquid emphasizes community involvement and governance, as it operates without outside investors or paid market makers. The concept is that no fees are directed to any company; instead, it prioritizes a community-first approach. Individuals can participate in securing and governing the Hyperliquid network through HYPE, its native token. As such, Hyperliquid presents an opportunity for anyone interested in being part of this cutting-edge ecosystem, promoting a collaborative and transparent decentralized finance environment.

Frequently Asked Questions

The current price of Hyperliquid HYPE is 16.4094 USD.
The circulating supply of Hyperliquid is unknown
The total supply of Hyperliquid is unknown.
The max supply of Hyperliquid is unknown.
Unfortunately the country of Hyperliquid is unknown.
Hyperliquid is a token running on the Hyperliquid blockchain.
Hyperliquid reached an all-time-high of 35.0204 USD on 21 Dec 2024.
The contract address of Hyperliquid is 0x0d01dc56dcaaca66ad901c959b4011ec.

Github Statistics (Development)

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