Kaspa (KAS)

Kaspa (KAS)

Coin Information

Blockchain icon Blockchain: Kaspa
Ticker icon Ticker: KAS
Type icon Type: Cryptocurrency

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Circ icon Circ.: 19 830 439 936Question Mark Icon

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About Kaspa

Kaspa (KAS) is a fast, open-source, decentralized, and fully scalable Layer-1 cryptocurrency. It is built on the world’s first blockDAG, a digital ledger that enables parallel blocks and instant transaction confirmation. The coin operates on a robust proof-of-work engine with rapid single-second block intervals. Kaspa was developed by industry pioneers and is led by a community of dedicated individuals.

Kaspa is a community project with no central governance, adhering to Bitcoin, Litecoin, and Monero principles. It was fair-launched without pre-mining or any other pre-allocation of coins. The coin implements the GHOSTDAG protocol, allowing parallel blocks to coexist and be ordered in consensus. Kaspa’s blockDAG structure increases the formation of blocks per second, making it one of the fastest cryptocurrencies available.

With its fast transaction speeds, Kaspa is ideal for everyday transactions. It offers instant confirmation, with each transaction visible to the network in one second and fully confirmed in 10 seconds on average. Kaspa’s blockDAG network can generate and confirm multiple blocks per second, solving the scalability problem without compromising security and decentralization. The coin utilizes the optical-mining ready kHeavyHash algorithm for consensus and security, making it energy-efficient compared to other proof-of-work networks. With its revolutionary GhostDAG Consensus mechanism, Kaspa ensures ultra-secure block network operations.

Frequently Asked Questions

The current price of Kaspa KAS is 0.0622775 USD.
The circulating supply of Kaspa is 19830439936.
The total supply of Kaspa is unknown.
The max supply of Kaspa is unknown.
Kaspa is a decentralized coin.
Kaspa is a cryptocurrency running on its own blockchain.
Kaspa reached an all-time-high of 0.227698 USD on 30 Jun 2024.

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