Kripto Galaxy Battle (KABA)

Kripto Galaxy Battle (KABA)

Coin Information

Blockchain icon Blockchain: KardiaChain
Ticker icon Ticker: KABA
Type icon Type: Token
Asset or Contract address icon Contract:

Price Statistics

Fully Diluted Valuation

Coin Supply

Total icon Total: 5 000 000
Max icon Max: 5 000 000

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About Kripto Galaxy Battle

Kripto Galaxy Battle (KABA) is a cryptocurrency that exists within the immersive gaming universe of the same name. In this futuristic world, humanity has ventured into the depths of space in search of valuable Gemstones that possess immense energy. To extract these precious resources, humans have deployed robots and equipment to another planet, utilizing the monstrous creatures residing there to separate raw minerals into gems. The battles for these valuable gems are intense and frequent in the galaxy.

Within Kripto Galaxy Battle, players assume the role of talented strategists who must manage an efficient $GEM mining system and build and lead a formidable army. The game features the ability to breed and evolve characters, each represented by an NFT (non-fungible token) with unique genes and stats. Players can earn different returns by staking $KABA tokens and NFT assets in various pools, such as new items or additional $KABA tokens. The game’s economy revolves around $KABA and $GEM tokens, which players can use to upgrade characters, participate in battles, attend events, and earn rewards.

Kripto Galaxy Battle offers an immersive play-to-earn experience, allowing players to earn $KABA and $GEM tokens through missions and $GEM mining. Additionally, the game includes a ranking system that cyclically rewards top players on the leaderboard. With its intriguing storyline, NFT assets, strategic gameplay, and token ecosystem, Kripto Galaxy Battle provides an engaging and rewarding gaming experience set in a vibrant and competitive galactic environment.

Frequently Asked Questions

We currently have no price information of Kripto Galaxy Battle KABA available.
The circulating supply of Kripto Galaxy Battle is unknown
The total supply of Kripto Galaxy Battle is 5000000.
The max supply of Kripto Galaxy Battle is 5000000.
Unfortunately the country of Kripto Galaxy Battle is unknown.
Kripto Galaxy Battle is a token running on the KardiaChain blockchain.
The contract address of Kripto Galaxy Battle is 0x5C5058de24497359Ff64F7318f5C2b5581FF6B05.

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