LiNEAR Protocol LNR (LNR)

LiNEAR Protocol LNR (LNR)

Coin Information

Blockchain icon Blockchain: NEAR
Ticker icon Ticker: LNR
Type icon Type: Token
Asset or Contract address icon Contract:

Price Statistics

Fully Diluted Valuation

Coin Supply

Total icon Total: 1 000 000 000
Max icon Max: 1 000 000 000

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About LiNEAR Protocol LNR

LiNEAR Protocol LNR (LNR) is a groundbreaking staking protocol that allows users to earn high yields by staking popular cryptocurrencies like $NEAR and $ETH. By leveraging the Optimization Algorithm, LiNEAR enables users to delegate their funds to up to 200 active nodes, ensuring decentralization and security on the NEAR network. LiNEAR also aims to bring increased decentralization to the Ethereum network.

One of the unique features of LiNEAR Protocol is the introduction of its first-of-its-kind Omnichain Liquid Restaking Token (bLiNEAR). This token allows users to restake native $NEAR tokens and earn higher and more diversified yields. By engaging with various DeFi protocols on NEAR and Aurora, users can amplify their rewards and maximize their yield from staked assets.

As a governance token, $LNR empowers users to set rates for liquid staking and restaking pools, manage delegation strategies, and oversee the protocol treasury. Additionally, by staking $LNR into the insurance fund, users can protect against potential losses incurred by liquid staking and restaking tokens. Stakers receive $sLNR as a representation of their share in the fund and can earn a share of the protocol’s agreement revenue through a revenue-sharing program. With its enticing features and wide-ranging applications, LiNEAR Protocol LNR offers a simple and rewarding way to stake and participate in the DeFi ecosystem.

Frequently Asked Questions

We currently have no price information of LiNEAR Protocol LNR LNR available.
The circulating supply of LiNEAR Protocol LNR is unknown
The total supply of LiNEAR Protocol LNR is 1000000000.
The max supply of LiNEAR Protocol LNR is 1000000000.
Unfortunately the country of LiNEAR Protocol LNR is unknown.
LiNEAR Protocol LNR is a token running on the NEAR blockchain.
The contract address of LiNEAR Protocol LNR is 802d89b6e511b335f05024a65161bce7efc3f311.

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