Luna by Virtuals (luna)

Luna by Virtuals (luna)

Coin Information

Blockchain icon Blockchain: Base
Ticker icon Ticker: luna
Type icon Type: Token
Asset or Contract address icon Contract:

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About Luna by Virtuals

Luna by Virtuals (luna) is a distinctive cryptocurrency that operates at the intersection of entertainment and blockchain technology. With a total market capitalization of approximately $63.61 million, Luna has demonstrated a 24-hour change of +13.95%, indicating a robust interest from traders and investors alike. Luna’s total value locked (TVL) currently stands at around $11.48 million, showcasing its engagement in various decentralized finance activities and highlighting its popularity among users. The project aims to enhance productivity and unlock new potential within the entertainment sector, attracting a diverse user base.

The current holder count for Luna is noteworthy, reaching 272,289, which reflects a growing community interested in its offerings. Over the last 24 hours, the volume of trades reached approximately $966.69k, further demonstrating active participation in the market. The coin has shown resilience against market fluctuations, maintaining a daily change rate of 0.39%. These metrics suggest that Luna is gaining traction and retaining interest, which could indicate long-term potential within the crowded cryptocurrency space.

As Luna continues to evolve, it is positioned to capitalize on entertainment and digital engagement trends. With its innovative approach to leveraging AI agents and community actions, Luna by Virtuals (luna) aims to create a unique ecosystem that blends gaming, engagement, and blockchain technology. The tweets generated around the project indicate a vibrant online presence, with a mindshare ratio of 405.1k/6.1k, implying strong engagement from both advocates and curious users alike. Collectively, these aspects underscore Luna’s ambitious goals and potential role in shaping the future of entertainment in the crypto world.

Frequently Asked Questions

We currently have no price information of Luna by Virtuals luna available.
The circulating supply of Luna by Virtuals is unknown
The total supply of Luna by Virtuals is unknown.
The max supply of Luna by Virtuals is unknown.
Unfortunately the country of Luna by Virtuals is unknown.
Luna by Virtuals is a token running on the Base blockchain.
Luna by Virtuals reached an all-time-high of USD on .
The contract address of Luna by Virtuals is 0x55cD6469F597452B5A7536e2CD98fDE4c1247ee4.

Github Statistics (Development)

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