Magic Internet Money (Kava) (MIM)

Magic Internet Money (Kava) (MIM)

Coin Information

Blockchain icon Blockchain: Kava
Ticker icon Ticker: MIM
Type icon Type: Token
Asset or Contract address icon Contract:

Price Statistics

Fully Diluted Valuation

Coin Supply

Total icon Total: 2 243 706

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About Magic Internet Money (Kava)

Magic Internet Money (Kava), with ticker MIM, is a stablecoin that operates within the ecosystem. It utilizes interest-bearing tokens as collateral to mint MIM, which is a USD-denominated stablecoin. The Omnichain DeFi lending platform offers various financial services such as borrowing, leveraging, and earning yields. MIM is overcollateralized, deeply liquid, and battle-tested, making it a reliable stablecoin option.

MIM operates as a stablecoin with a value pegged to the USD, maintaining a consistent 1:1 ratio. This stability is achieved through the backing of interest-bearing tokens. Additionally, SPELL serves as a utility and governance token within the ecosystem. SPELL holders can participate in key decision-making processes, influencing the platform’s direction and policies.

The ecosystem offers its users a range of products and tools. Cauldrons, at the core of, provide borrowing, leveraging, and yield-earning opportunities. There are also various farms, such as sSpell, mSpell, magicGLP, magicApe, magicLVL, and magicKLP, where users can earn rewards. The platform also offers tools like Swap and Beam for convenient cryptocurrency exchanges. With its robust offering and focus on stability, MIM on provides a reliable and versatile stablecoin option.

Frequently Asked Questions

We currently have no price information of Magic Internet Money (Kava) MIM available.
The circulating supply of Magic Internet Money (Kava) is unknown
The total supply of Magic Internet Money (Kava) is 2243706.
The max supply of Magic Internet Money (Kava) is unknown.
Unfortunately the country of Magic Internet Money (Kava) is unknown.
Magic Internet Money (Kava) is a token running on the Kava blockchain.
The contract address of Magic Internet Money (Kava) is 0x471EE749bA270eb4c1165B5AD95E614947f6fCeb.

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