Coin Information

Blockchain icon Blockchain: Merlin Chain
Ticker icon Ticker: MDBL
Type icon Type: Token
Asset or Contract address icon Contract:

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Fully Diluted Valuation

Coin Supply

Total icon Total: 2 100 000 000
Max icon Max: 2 100 000 000

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About MDBL

The coin MDBL (MDBL) is the native cryptocurrency of the Dragonverse Neo ecosystem and is a significant part of the MOSE platform. As an ERC-20 asset issued on Bitcoin L1, MDBL allows holders to engage within the expansive Dragonverse Neo universe. This coin can be easily converted to eMDBL at 1:1, enabling users to access various features and rewards associated with the game’s dynamic environment. With a total supply capped at 2,100,000,000, MDBL is designed to prioritize community participation, ensuring that most of the emission benefits the users.

Within the Dragonverse Neo framework, the utility of eMDBL extends far beyond mere transactions. EMDBL holders gain access to many rewards, including liquidity yields and tradable REALM Passes, which contribute to an engaging gaming experience. As players stake their eMDBL, they can also become node operators within the MOSE platform, further enhancing the collaborative and participatory nature of the gaming environment. Moreover, eMDBL can be utilized to hatch MODragons, allowing players to unlock unique in-game assets that enrich their adventures.

A defining feature of the MDBL ecosystem is its emphasis on co-governance, where holders of eMDBL actively participate in shaping the game’s direction. This allows influential community members to propose and implement new game content, refine mechanics, and optimize community rewards. Such a system cultivates a sense of ownership and accountability among players, promoting a flourishing and evolving gaming landscape. Through collaboration and creativity, participants can craft their unique REALMs and contribute to the ongoing development of Dragonverse Neo, solidifying its place as an innovative entry in the world of Web3 gaming.

Frequently Asked Questions

We currently have no price information of MDBL MDBL available.
The circulating supply of MDBL is unknown
The total supply of MDBL is 2100000000.
The max supply of MDBL is 2100000000.
Unfortunately the country of MDBL is unknown.
MDBL is a token running on the Merlin Chain blockchain.
The contract address of MDBL is 0x8aed42735027aa6d97023d8196b084ecfba701af.

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