MobileCoin (MOB)

MobileCoin (MOB)

Coin Information

Blockchain icon Blockchain: MobileCoin
Ticker icon Ticker: MOB
Type icon Type: Cryptocurrency

Price Statistics

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Circ icon Circ.: 195 286 112Question Mark Icon

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About MobileCoin

MobileCoin (MOB) is a decentralized cryptocurrency that aims to provide secure and simplified encrypted payments. The MobileCoin Foundation oversees the development of the MobileCoin software and defines a set of rules known as the MobileCoin protocol. This protocol ensures the privacy and security of transactions, with individual transactions being cryptographically protected and the entire ledger being opaque. MobileCoin offers fast transaction times, with most payments completed in less than ten seconds. The foundation works to create a global community of developers dedicated to building the simplest possible encrypted payments network.

One of the key features of MobileCoin is easy wallet recovery. In the event of a lost phone, users can securely recover their wallets without relying on a third-party provider for their private keys. This provides users with peace of mind while maintaining control over their funds. Additionally, MobileCoin emphasizes total security, employing forward secrecy and cryptographic protections to ensure the integrity of transactions. The network is designed to be user and planet-friendly, offering easy-to-use security at scale while minimizing energy consumption.

The MobileCoin Foundation, which consists of a board of directors and various committees, is dedicated to advancing payment technology that is secure, fast, and almost invisible. They envision a future where money is accessible to everyone and enables better lives for people worldwide. Through their coordination and encouragement of a global community of developers, the foundation strives to co-create a financial network that empowers both individuals and businesses globally, providing them with safe and affordable financial services.

Frequently Asked Questions

The current price of MobileCoin MOB is 0.168218 USD.
The circulating supply of MobileCoin is 195286112.
The total supply of MobileCoin is unknown.
The max supply of MobileCoin is unknown.
Unfortunately the country of MobileCoin is unknown.
MobileCoin is a cryptocurrency running on its own blockchain.
MobileCoin reached an all-time-high of 2.2777 USD on 18 Feb 2023.

Github Statistics (Development)

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