Coin Information

Blockchain icon Blockchain: Bitcoin
Ticker icon Ticker: MRYEN
Type icon Type: Token
Asset or Contract address icon Contract:

Price Statistics

Fully Diluted Valuation

Coin Supply

Total icon Total: 21 000 000
Max icon Max: 21 000 000

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Website icon Unknown Website
Online icon Online

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MR•YEN•JAPANESE•BUSINESSMAN (Runes), ticker MRYEN, is a unique digital asset designed to facilitate a comprehensive online presence for creators and entrepreneurs. Emphasizing simplicity and efficiency, this coin aims to unify various aspects of an individual’s or brand’s digital identity through a single accessible link in the bio. By connecting social media profiles, websites, and content creation platforms, MRYEN allows users to engage with their audience seamlessly, catering to the needs of over 50 million users across diverse digital landscapes.

This coin is a powerful tool for creators to share and monetize their content effectively. With MRYEN, users can easily customize their landing pages, incorporating links to their most significant works, social media channels, and products. The streamlined process ensures that creators maintain a cohesive brand image and maximize their engagement with followers by providing them with direct access to everything the creator offers, from music and videos to online stores and events.

In addition, MR•YEN•JAPANESE•BUSINESSMAN (Runes) emphasizes data-driven decision-making through its analytical capabilities. Users can track audience engagement, revenue performance, and conversion metrics, allowing for informed updates and strategies to keep their audience returning. This combination of user-friendly features and robust analytics positions MRYEN as an invaluable asset for those seeking to grow and engage their digital communities while effectively managing their online presence.

Frequently Asked Questions

We currently have no price information of MR•YEN•JAPANESE•BUSINESSMAN (Runes) MRYEN available.
The circulating supply of MR•YEN•JAPANESE•BUSINESSMAN (Runes) is unknown
The total supply of MR•YEN•JAPANESE•BUSINESSMAN (Runes) is 21000000.
The max supply of MR•YEN•JAPANESE•BUSINESSMAN (Runes) is 21000000.
Unfortunately the country of MR•YEN•JAPANESE•BUSINESSMAN (Runes) is unknown.
MR•YEN•JAPANESE•BUSINESSMAN (Runes) is a token running on the Bitcoin blockchain.
The contract address of MR•YEN•JAPANESE•BUSINESSMAN (Runes) is MR%E2%80%A2YEN%E2%80%A2JAPANESE%E2%80%A2BUSINESSMAN.

Github Statistics (Development)

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