Multichain Bridged WBNB (Avalanche C-Chain) (WBNB)

Multichain Bridged WBNB (Avalanche C-Chain) (WBNB)

Coin Information

Blockchain icon Blockchain: Avalanche
Ticker icon Ticker: WBNB
Type icon Type: Token
Asset or Contract address icon Contract:

Price Statistics

Fully Diluted Valuation

Coin Supply

Total icon Total: 4 957

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About Multichain Bridged WBNB (Avalanche C-Chain)

Multichain Bridged WBNB (Avalanche C-Chain) (WBNB) represents a significant advancement in cross-chain asset transfer within the Web3.0 ecosystem. Utilizing the Multichain Router Protocol, this token enables seamless interactions between different blockchain networks, ensuring high flexibility and accessibility for users. The protocol’s non-custodial nature alongside Multi-Party Computation (MPC) enhances decentralization and security in cross-chain bridging and smart contract execution.

The bridge feature of Multichain allows for 1:1 transfers without slippage, addressing one of the major challenges users face when moving assets across chains. This effectiveness means that users can transfer their tokens without worrying about hidden costs, which often occur with Automated Market Makers (AMMs). By providing a no-slippage bridge, Multichain positions itself as a cost-effective solution for decentralized finance enthusiasts, facilitating hassle-free transactions between various supported chains.

In addition to its robust bridging capabilities, Multichain offers a comprehensive ecosystem that integrates a multitude of projects and tokens. With over 0 supported chains and numerous collaborations, the platform provides a rich environment for users to navigate the decentralized landscape effortlessly. The protocol’s design encourages easy integration and quick deployment of new projects, thereby fostering an innovative community around the Multichain network and enhancing user experience across the blockchain space.

Frequently Asked Questions

We currently have no price information of Multichain Bridged WBNB (Avalanche C-Chain) WBNB available.
The circulating supply of Multichain Bridged WBNB (Avalanche C-Chain) is unknown
The total supply of Multichain Bridged WBNB (Avalanche C-Chain) is 4957.
The max supply of Multichain Bridged WBNB (Avalanche C-Chain) is unknown.
Unfortunately the country of Multichain Bridged WBNB (Avalanche C-Chain) is unknown.
Multichain Bridged WBNB (Avalanche C-Chain) is a token running on the Avalanche blockchain.
The contract address of Multichain Bridged WBNB (Avalanche C-Chain) is 0x264c1383ea520f73dd837f915ef3a732e204a493.

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