Multichain Bridged WETH (Kava) (WETH)

Multichain Bridged WETH (Kava) (WETH)

Coin Information

Blockchain icon Blockchain: Kava
Ticker icon Ticker: WETH
Type icon Type: Token
Asset or Contract address icon Contract:

Price Statistics

Fully Diluted Valuation

Coin Supply

Total icon Total: 609

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About Multichain Bridged WETH (Kava)

Multichain Bridged WETH (Kava) (WETH) is a cross-chain protocol designed to facilitate seamless transactions between different blockchain networks. It leverages a cutting-edge Router Protocol that empowers users to perform transfers without the typical liquidity costs associated with Automated Market Makers (AMMs). This innovative solution provides a no-slippage bridge, allowing for 1:1 transfers that ensure the accurate value is retained during the bridging process.

The core strength of the Multichain Bridged WETH (Kava) lies in its non-custodial nature combined with Multi-Party Computation (MPC) technology. MPC symbolizes a significant advancement in decentralization by processing cross-chain bridging and smart contract methodologies securely across various chains. This architecture enhances the security of transactions and streamlines the user experience by minimizing fees and maximizing efficiency in moving tokens between platforms.

In addition to its robust bridging capabilities, Multichain Bridged WETH (Kava) integrates with numerous protocols and applications within the cross-chain ecosystem. Supporting over 0 projects and 0 chains, it offers extensive compatibility that encourages the implementation of various tokens. With the ability to adapt quickly to other blockchain environments, this protocol is positioned as a vital player in the evolving landscape of decentralized finance and inter-chain interactions.

Frequently Asked Questions

We currently have no price information of Multichain Bridged WETH (Kava) WETH available.
The circulating supply of Multichain Bridged WETH (Kava) is unknown
The total supply of Multichain Bridged WETH (Kava) is 609.
The max supply of Multichain Bridged WETH (Kava) is unknown.
Unfortunately the country of Multichain Bridged WETH (Kava) is unknown.
Multichain Bridged WETH (Kava) is a token running on the Kava blockchain.
The contract address of Multichain Bridged WETH (Kava) is 0xe3f5a90f9cb311505cd691a46596599aa1a0ad7d.

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