Mynth (MNT)

Mynth (MNT)

Coin Information

Blockchain icon Blockchain: Cardano
Ticker icon Ticker: MNT
Type icon Type: Token
Asset or Contract address icon Contract:

Price Statistics

Market Cap

Fully Diluted Valuation

Coin Supply

Circ icon Circ.: 70 701 074(71%)Question Mark Icon
Total icon Total: 99 898 327
Max icon Max: 100 000 000

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About Mynth

Mynth (MNT) is a promising project focusing on enhancing blockchain interoperability and scalability. By creating highways that connect multiple networks, Mynth aims to provide users with the ability to transfer native assets seamlessly and without barriers. At the core of Mynth’s vision is MyUSD, a stablecoin pegged to the US dollar, designed to offer a stable and redeemable option within the Cardano ecosystem. This strategic approach ensures that users can manage their digital assets more efficiently across various blockchain platforms.

The functionalities offered by Mynth include several innovative tools, such as Stable Swaps and Cross-Chain Swaps, which facilitate full interoperability between stable assets. Furthermore, Mynth Lizard, a layer two network utilizing zero-knowledge proofs, enhances the privacy and security of transactions. These tools are designed to simplify navigation through the complex landscape of blockchain technology, making it easier for users to engage in decentralized finance (DeFi). The overarching goal is to create a cohesive environment where users can confidently exchange and manage their assets.

Mynth’s strategic roadmap outlines several integrations and innovations planned for the upcoming quarters, including collaborations with prominent blockchains like Polygon, Solana, and Bitcoin. By continuously developing features like Mynth Liquid Staking and Mynth Streaming Swaps, the project aims to attract a broader audience and facilitate investment opportunities within the blockchain space. With a team dedicated to improving usability and creating financial opportunities for all, Mynth is positioned to be a significant player in the DeFi ecosystem, promoting inclusivity and accessibility in digital finance.

Frequently Asked Questions

We currently have no price information of Mynth MNT available.
The circulating supply of Mynth is 70701074.
The total supply of Mynth is 99898327.
The max supply of Mynth is 100000000.
Unfortunately the country of Mynth is unknown.
Mynth is a token running on the Cardano blockchain.
The contract address of Mynth is 43b07d4037f0d75ee10f9863097463fc02ff3c0b8b705ae61d9c75bf4d796e746820546f6b656e.

Github Statistics (Development)

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