Nacho the Kat (nacho)

Nacho the Kat (nacho)

Coin Information

Blockchain icon Blockchain: Kaspa
Ticker icon Ticker: nacho
Type icon Type: Token

Price Statistics

Market Cap

Fully Diluted Valuation

Coin Supply

Circ icon Circ.: 287 000 000 000(100%)Question Mark Icon
Total icon Total: 287 000 000 000
Max icon Max: 287 000 000 000

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About Nacho the Kat

Nacho the Kat (nacho) presents a dynamic cryptocurrency project to enhance the Kaspa ecosystem. With a strong emphasis on decentralization and community involvement, Nacho aims to provide innovative solutions that promote open-source development and governance. Complemented by a diverse and skilled team, the project plans to enhance user engagement through initiatives like the Kat Bot, a versatile tool for managing KRC20 tokens directly within Discord.

The tokenomics of Nacho the Kat include a well-thought-out roadmap designed for sustainability and growth. Recently, deploying multiple geo-distributed Rusty Kaspa Nodes has significantly strengthened the network’s infrastructure. This enhances the reliability of transactions and ensures the decentralization vital for the project’s long-term success. Ongoing developments and features, such as marketplace functionalities for the Kat Bot, promise to add further utility and engagement within the community.

The team behind Nacho the Kat comprises experienced individuals, each bringing unique skills from various fields—from technical recruitment and project management to marketing and community leadership. Significant contributions from team members like Ashton Wood and Chris facilitate strategic growth and innovative initiatives that align with the goals of the Nacho community. With products like KatScan and the Kat Gov governance platform, Nacho the Kat aims to become an integral part of the evolving landscape of blockchain technology.

Frequently Asked Questions

We currently have no price information of Nacho the Kat nacho available.
The circulating supply of Nacho the Kat is 287000000000.
The total supply of Nacho the Kat is 287000000000.
The max supply of Nacho the Kat is 287000000000.
Unfortunately the country of Nacho the Kat is unknown.
Nacho the Kat is a token running on the Kaspa blockchain.
Nacho the Kat reached an all-time-high of USD on .
The contract address of Nacho the Kat is unknown.

Github Statistics (Development)

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