Neurashi (NEI)

Neurashi (NEI)

Coin Information

Blockchain icon Blockchain: Binance Smart Chain
Ticker icon Ticker: NEI
Type icon Type: Token
Asset or Contract address icon Contract:

Price Statistics

Market Cap

Fully Diluted Valuation

$291 188 511

Coin Supply

Circ icon Circ.: 63 063 906(0%)Question Mark Icon
Total icon Total: 45 000 000 000
Max icon Max: 45 000 000 000

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NEI to USD Converter

About Neurashi

Neurashi (NEI) is an AI platform that unlocks the power of artificial intelligence and amplifies true intelligence. It offers a range of innovative tools and services designed to empower users and enhance their capabilities. One of the key features is the Neurashi AI Chat Bot, which utilizes AI and natural language processing techniques to engage in text or voice-based conversations with users. It enables users to ask questions about emotions and engage in interactive conversations.

Another notable tool is ChartMind, a cutting-edge multi-modal AI system that interprets and analyzes market charts. It is designed to provide accurate insights into market trends and patterns. The platform also offers the Conversational Interactive Language Model (CILM), a versatile AI model for general-purpose dialogues. The Blockchain Conversational Interactive Language Model (BCILM) also caters specifically to the cryptocurrency world, providing information about airdrops, ICOs, events, news, and even recommending trading strategies.

Neurashi promotes community engagement through its social media channels and encourages users to join its communities to stay updated on future developments. The platform also strongly emphasizes security, scalability, accessibility, and efficiency. NEI, the native token of Neurashi, facilitates interaction with the AI and access to the platform’s services. With its wide range of tools and services, Neurashi aims to redefine how users interact with AI and crypto.

Frequently Asked Questions

The current price of Neurashi NEI is 0.00625688 USD.
The circulating supply of Neurashi is 63063906.
The total supply of Neurashi is 45000000000.
The max supply of Neurashi is 45000000000.
Unfortunately the country of Neurashi is unknown.
Neurashi is a token running on the Binance Smart Chain blockchain.
Neurashi reached an all-time-high of 0.0280249 USD on 10 Mar 2024.
The contract address of Neurashi is 0x6cda2862fd4B88CCFA522FFeD66bC4277e7D9Cc9.

Github Statistics (Development)

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