Nirmata (NIR)

Nirmata (NIR)

Coin Information

Blockchain icon Blockchain: Nirmata
Ticker icon Ticker: NIR
Type icon Type: Cryptocurrency

Price Statistics

Fully Diluted Valuation

Coin Supply

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Nirmata Price Chart

NIR to USD Converter

About Nirmata

Nirmata (NIR) is a promising cryptocurrency that aims to revolutionize the world of algorithmic crypto. With its upcoming soft fork, “Monet,” set to launch in approximately 14 days, NIR is positioned as a leading player in the crypto market. Nirmata Network, the driving force behind NIR, takes pride in its top partnerships and offers users the choice to protect their identity and ensure security and control over their money using the Nirmata GUI.

Trade NiR Coin on various exchanges, including TradeOgre (NIR/USDT), XeggeX (NIR/BTC), and NonKyc FinanceX (NIR/XMR). Nirmata’s roadmap showcases its strategic plan for the future, including the release of Nirmata Wallet versions, soft forks such as Picasso and Santi, and listings on exchanges. Additionally, Nirmata has a dedicated team of professionals led by Afin@ as the founder and CO, H0udiNi as the head of design, NwiZ as the DeV, and Striker contributing to their leadership.

For those interested in exploring Nirmata further, the Nirmata GUI is available for download. Connect with the Nirmata Network by contacting them via email or joining their Discord, Telegram, and Twitter channels. Remember, all rights to Nirmata Network are reserved, and its website and design are created by NwiZ.

Frequently Asked Questions

We currently have no price information of Nirmata NIR available.
The circulating supply of Nirmata is unknown
The total supply of Nirmata is unknown.
The max supply of Nirmata is unknown.
Unfortunately the country of Nirmata is unknown.
Nirmata is a cryptocurrency running on its own blockchain.
Nirmata reached an all-time-high of USD on .

Github Statistics (Development)

Total Commits

NIR Markets on Crypto Exchanges

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