Coin Information

Flag of Hong Kong Hong Kong (HK)
Blockchain icon Blockchain: Ethereum
Ticker icon Ticker: OAX
Type icon Type: Token
Asset or Contract address icon Contract:

Price Statistics

Market Cap

Fully Diluted Valuation

$1 206 053

Coin Supply

Circ icon Circ.: 78 003 688(78%)Question Mark Icon
Total icon Total: 100 000 000
Max icon Max: 100 000 000

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About OAX

OAX is a digital asset ecosystem that aims to develop and promote sustainability in the financial world. Founded by Hugh Madden, the co-founder of OAX Foundation, OAX believes in the foundations of openness, trustlessness, and strong governance to enable the flourishing of digital assets in today’s complex and regulated financial landscape. The platform offers various features, including the Notifs App, a DeFi Portfolio Tracker launched in 2023, and a Layer 2 Protocol released in August 2019 to address scalability and dispute resolution for decentralized exchanges.

OAX supports the industry through its community and research efforts. The platform collaborates with Professor Syren Johnstone to explore regulations within the digital asset space. OAX has achieved several milestones, such as signing an MoU with IJS Technologies in June 2021 to promote and cooperate in DeFi adoption, community education, and technology advancement. Additionally, OAX tokens are now available as a wrapped BEP-20 standard on the Binance Smart Chain network, allowing users to explore exchanges on the BSC network.

The journey of OAX includes significant events like the release of open-source code for five features benefiting parachains on the Polkadot network, the launch of the OAX-Polkadot Network strategic initiative in February 2020, and partnerships with companies like Blockpass and KYC-Chain to improve digital asset trading standards. With a focus on innovation and community engagement, OAX provides a platform that facilitates the development of a sustainable digital asset ecosystem.

Frequently Asked Questions

The current price of OAX OAX is 0.0120605 USD.
The circulating supply of OAX is 78003688.
The total supply of OAX is 100000000.
The max supply of OAX is 100000000.
OAX is based in: Hong Kong.
OAX is a token running on the Ethereum blockchain.
OAX reached an all-time-high of 2.91732 USD on 7 Jan 2018.
The contract address of OAX is 0x701c244b988a513c945973defa05de933b23fe1d.

Github Statistics (Development)

Total Commits

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