Ontology (ONT)

Ontology (ONT)

Coin Information

Flag of China China (CN)
Blockchain icon Blockchain: Ontology
Ticker icon Ticker: ONT
Type icon Type: Cryptocurrency
Proof type icon Proof type: Unknown
Algorithm icon Algorithm: VBFT

Price Statistics

Market Cap

Fully Diluted Valuation

$142 656 818

Coin Supply

Circ icon Circ.: 900 697 857(90%)Question Mark Icon
Total icon Total: 1 000 000 000
Max icon Max: 1 000 000 000

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Ontology Price Chart

ONT to USD Converter

About Ontology

Ontology (ONT) is a high-speed, low-cost public blockchain that aims to bring decentralized identity and data solutions to Web3. The blockchain is designed to enhance privacy, transparency, and trust, allowing users and enterprises to build tailored blockchain-based solutions while complying with regulations. Ontology ensures compatibility with Ethereum through its Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM), enabling seamless interoperability between the two platforms and paving the way for the Ontology Multi-Virtual Machine.

Owned by Ontology, the Ontology Web3 Network (OWN) Infrastructure consists of blockchain-based protocols and products specifically developed for Web3 applications. At its core, the infrastructure utilizes the VBFT consensus mechanism and incorporates a multi-VM support layer and a layer2 solution based on Optimistic Rollup. It also features cross-chain collaboration and various protocols, such as the ONT ID Decentralized Identity Framework, which offers identity protection and data security through encryption. By leveraging ONT ID, users can secure their identity and personal information, guarding against unauthorized access and identity theft.

ONT ID is integrated into the ONTO Wallet, a cross-chain wallet that allows users to manage their digital identity, data, and assets in one place. The wallet guarantees full control and encryption of user data, empowering individuals to oversee their online presence. In addition, Ontology offers Wing Finance, a premier cross-chain DeFi (Decentralized Finance) lending protocol that incorporates a reputation score system known as OScore. Enabled by ONT ID, OScore enables users to access under-collateralized loans based on their reputation on the Wing. Finance platform, opening up possibilities for various DeFi activities.

Frequently Asked Questions

The current price of Ontology ONT is 0.143267 USD.
The circulating supply of Ontology is 900697857.
The total supply of Ontology is 1000000000.
The max supply of Ontology is 1000000000.
Ontology is based in: China.
Ontology is a cryptocurrency running on its own blockchain.
Ontology reached an all-time-high of 11.1766 USD on 3 May 2018.

Github Statistics (Development)

Total Commits

ONT Markets on Crypto Exchanges

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