Orlycoin (ORLY)

Orlycoin (ORLY)

Coin Information

Blockchain icon Blockchain: Orlycoin
Ticker icon Ticker: ORLY
Type icon Type: Cryptocurrency
Proof type icon Proof type: Hybrid PoW/PoS
Algorithm icon Algorithm: X15

Price Statistics

Market Cap

Fully Diluted Valuation

$1 049

Coin Supply

Circ icon Circ.: 36 646 800(100%)Question Mark Icon
Total icon Total: 36 646 800
Max icon Max: 36 646 800

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About Orlycoin

Orlycoin (ORLY) is a cryptocurrency gaining prominence in e-commerce. As more big brands and payment processors embrace cryptocurrency, online retailers are also starting to adopt it. Cryptocurrencies like Orlycoin are based on blockchain technology, a secure and decentralized system for making encrypted payments. This means that transactions made with Orlycoin are verified and validated by miners, making them secure and immune to double spending or theft.

There are several reasons for the rise of cryptocurrencies like Orlycoin in e-commerce. Firstly, accepting Orlycoin as a payment option allows online retailers to reach a wider audience, especially where banking services or debit/credit cards may be limited. Cryptocurrencies are not controlled by governments or financial institutions, making them an appealing and stable choice for consumers. Additionally, fees involved in Orlycoin transactions are significantly lower compared to traditional payment methods, making it cost-effective for businesses.

Another advantage of Orlycoin is the speed of transactions. Traditional money transfers can be slow, but with Orlycoin, payments are processed faster, leading to prompt deliveries and increased customer satisfaction. Orlycoin offers enhanced security since it is encrypted and cannot be stolen or forged. This reduces the chances of fraud, a common threat when using credit cards. Moreover, the blockchain technology used by Orlycoin ensures clean consumer data, allowing retailers to improve their marketing efforts and provide a better user experience for buyers.

Frequently Asked Questions

The current price of Orlycoin ORLY is 0.0000286209 USD.
The circulating supply of Orlycoin is 36646800.
The total supply of Orlycoin is 36646800.
The max supply of Orlycoin is 36646800.
Unfortunately the country of Orlycoin is unknown.
Orlycoin is a cryptocurrency running on its own blockchain.
Orlycoin reached an all-time-high of 0 USD on 1 Jan 1970.

Github Statistics (Development)

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ORLY Markets on Crypto Exchanges

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