Pozo Coin (POZO)

Pozo Coin (POZO)

Coin Information

Blockchain icon Blockchain: Kava
Ticker icon Ticker: POZO
Type icon Type: Token
Asset or Contract address icon Contract:

Price Statistics

Market Cap

Fully Diluted Valuation

Coin Supply

Circ icon Circ.: 600 000(100%)Question Mark Icon
Total icon Total: 600 000
Max icon Max: 600 000

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Pozo Coin Price Chart

POZO to USD Converter

About Pozo Coin

Pozo Coin (POZO) is a vibrant and playful cryptocurrency combining memes’ charm with financial opportunities. It features an enigmatic mascot—a mischievous electric blue frog adorned with neon green spots and a crown of digital code. This character not only embodies fun but also serves as a symbol of the value that Pozo Coin brings to its community. The coin aims to create a unique ecosystem where meme enthusiasts and cryptocurrency holders can engage in a rewarding experience, contributing to the overall growth of Pozo’s kingdom.

The tokenomics of Pozo Coin are designed to foster community engagement and sustainable growth. With a total supply of 600,000 POZO tokens, the distribution is set to ensure that 50% is allocated to the community. In contrast, 25% is dedicated to liquidity, 15% is reserved for development, and 10% for marketing initiatives. This transparent allocation process highlights the commitment to building a strong and vibrant community around Pozo Coin, allowing all holders to thrive together as the project evolves.

Pozo Coin has an ambitious roadmap outlining key milestones for the future. Beginning with the launch of the $POZO token, website, and social channels in Q1 2024, the project plans to introduce exclusive NFTs and limited-edition merchandise in the following quarter. With partnerships with influential figures in the crypto space and the rollout of a decentralized exchange (DEX) planned for later, Pozo Coin aims to solidify its position as a pioneer in the intersection of digital assets and meme culture. As the community grows, it also encourages collaboration and connection, inviting enthusiasts to join in the excitement of its ongoing journey.

Frequently Asked Questions

We currently have no price information of Pozo Coin POZO available.
The circulating supply of Pozo Coin is 600000.
The total supply of Pozo Coin is 600000.
The max supply of Pozo Coin is 600000.
Unfortunately the country of Pozo Coin is unknown.
Pozo Coin is a token running on the Kava blockchain.
The contract address of Pozo Coin is 0x2d519B9308AEb0C57921030dD5DE4E88c44ceC7c.

Github Statistics (Development)

POZO Markets on Crypto Exchanges

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