Rethereum (RTH)

Rethereum (RTH)

Coin Information

Blockchain icon Blockchain: Rethereum
Ticker icon Ticker: RTH
Type icon Type: Cryptocurrency
Proof type icon Proof type: Proof of Work
Algorithm icon Algorithm: EthashB3

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About Rethereum

Rethereum is a new blockchain project that aims to revive the original vision of Ethereum as a global, decentralized platform for money and new kinds of applications. It is based on a modified version of the Ethereum Go client and has several unique features that set it apart from other Ethereum clones. One of its notable features is the use of a new Proof-of-Work consensus algorithm called ETHash-B3, which enhances security and performance. Rethereum has its native currency, RTH, used for transactions and smart contracts on the network. It also ensures compatibility with the Ethereum protocol and supports the BNB Smart Chain token standard.

Rethereum is not afraid to experiment with new ideas and features to improve the user experience and network functionality. It plans to transition the reward model to a 2.1% inflation target to enhance stability and sustainability. The project has a supportive community and offers resources like the Rethereum Discord Server and the latest releases on GitHub. Mining pools such as,,, and are available for Rethereum miners. Users can interact with Rethereum using the Metamask wallet, which requires the following settings: Network Name: Rethereum, RPC URL:, Chain ID: 622277, and Currency Symbol: RTH. For further exploration of the Rethereum blockchain, the Rethereum Explorer provides an interface to navigate transactions and blockchain data.

Overall, Rethereum is a promising blockchain project that aims to restore the original vision of Ethereum while introducing unique features and innovations. With its native currency, compatibility with the Ethereum protocol, and support for the BNB Smart Chain token standard, Rethereum provides a vibrant ecosystem for developers and users alike. Through the implementation of a new consensus algorithm and plans for stability and sustainability, Rethereum is set to offer improved performance and functionality compared to other Ethereum clones.

Frequently Asked Questions

The current price of Rethereum RTH is 0.037094 USD.
The circulating supply of Rethereum is unknown
The total supply of Rethereum is unknown.
The max supply of Rethereum is unknown.
Unfortunately the country of Rethereum is unknown.
Rethereum is a cryptocurrency running on its own blockchain.
Rethereum reached an all-time-high of 0.332263 USD on 21 Aug 2023.

Github Statistics (Development)

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