Sketch Coin (SKETCH)

Sketch Coin (SKETCH)

Coin Information

Blockchain icon Blockchain: Polygon
Ticker icon Ticker: SKETCH
Type icon Type: Token
Company icon Company:
Asset or Contract address icon Contract:

Price Statistics

Fully Diluted Valuation

Coin Supply

Total icon Total: 100 000 000 000
Max icon Max: 100 000 000 000

Blockchain Explorers

Sketch Coin Price Chart

SKETCH to USD Converter

About Sketch Coin

“What is SketchCoin?

SketchCoin is an innovative cryptocurrency with a long-term vision spanning 1,000 years. It introduces a Use-to-Earn model, allowing users to earn and use coins through various activities, thus building a sustainable ecosystem. By establishing a system where the value increases as users engage in activities such as Pay-to-Earn, Possess-to-Earn, Play-to-Earn, Create-to-Earn, and Talk-to-Earn, SketchCoin encourages active participation within the Sketch ecosystem. Its unique issuance method ensures long-term investment value and stable supply.

*How is the SketchCoin structured?*

The Sketch platform is an ecosystem centered around SKETCH, a blockchain-based technology, involving communities, individuals, and service providers. It features a microservices architecture-based distributed ledger gateway, enabling flexible scalability, rapid processing through an API accelerator, and enhanced security via an API sentry. Secure and efficient data management is achieved through account layers and stream processors, with data integrity and security guaranteed through encryption, access control, and other security measures.

How secure is SketchCoin?

SketchCoin employs a multi-layered security system including endpoint validation, dynamic active routers, stateless E2E encryption redundancy, and log-based access control lists to block unauthorized access and protect users’ assets against constantly evolving threats.

*Why should we pay attention to SketchCoin?*

SketchCoin is a groundbreaking cryptocurrency with a long-term vision of 1,000 years, offering a rewards system through various activities, a secure and transparent system, and an infinitely scalable platform with immense growth potential. Beyond mere speculation, SketchCoin provides sustainable value over a millennium, enabling users to actively participate and earn rewards through various U2E (Use-to-Earn) models like Pay-to-Earn, Possess-to-Earn, Play-to-Earn, Create-to-Earn, and Talk-to-Earn. With its robust security system and transparent operations, SketchCoin earns users’ trust and demonstrates limitless growth potential through its extensibility across various fields. In essence, SketchCoin is building a forward-looking ecosystem that users co-create.

“Holding long-term value for 1,000 years.”

SKETCH is an encryption page programmed to be issued over a period of 1,000 years. After the initial 10 percent issue, 100 million copies will be issued annually for the first 100 years. The remaining amount will be issued and circulated on a fixed basis over the next 900 years, and the issuance process will be divided into two stages.”

Frequently Asked Questions

We currently have no price information of Sketch Coin SKETCH available.
The circulating supply of Sketch Coin is unknown
The total supply of Sketch Coin is 100000000000.
The max supply of Sketch Coin is 100000000000.
Sketch Coin is based in: South Korea.
Sketch Coin is a token running on the Polygon blockchain.
Sketch Coin reached an all-time-high of USD on .
The contract address of Sketch Coin is 0x93B97cCD88EE8c4e2D58b0FcefEc0C80fa4F34bc.

Github Statistics (Development)

Total Commits

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