Tezos Domains (TED)

Tezos Domains (TED)

Coin Information

Blockchain icon Blockchain: Tezos
Ticker icon Ticker: TED
Type icon Type: Token
Asset or Contract address icon Contract:

Price Statistics

Fully Diluted Valuation

$3 460 559

Coin Supply

Total icon Total: 91 826 365
Max icon Max: 91 826 365

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About Tezos Domains

Tezos Domains (TED) is a distributed and extensible naming system built on the Tezos blockchain. Its main function is to provide a user-friendly alias for Tezos addresses, making transactions easier and more convenient. With Tezos Domains, users can replace long addresses with simple .tez names, eliminating the need for copying and pasting. Users can also personalize their wallets by associating their names with their addresses and even creating unlimited subdomains. Tezos Domains are stored securely in users’ wallets, giving them full control over their decentralized names.

Tezos Domains operates on open source and audited smart contracts, making it a cryptographically secure system. The domain names are stored directly on the Tezos blockchain, ensuring transparency and immutability. This decentralized approach guarantees that funds sent to a Tezos domain name are as secure as funds sent to a regular address. With Tezos Domains, users can attach publicly visible profile information to their names, such as website URLs, social media profiles, and physical addresses. This paves the way for a more decentralized and personalized web experience.

Tezos Domains is supported by major wallets and other projects within the Tezos ecosystem, providing widespread accessibility. The pricing of Tezos Domains varies based on the length of the domain name, with options ranging from five-letter domains to three-letter domains. Auctions are held to ensure a fair distribution of domains during launch and when domains expire. By leveraging Tezos Domains, users can navigate the Tezos blockchain with ease, enjoy a more user-friendly and personalized experience, and contribute to the advancement of the decentralized web.

Frequently Asked Questions

The current price of Tezos Domains TED is 0.0376859 USD.
The circulating supply of Tezos Domains is unknown
The total supply of Tezos Domains is 91826365.
The max supply of Tezos Domains is 91826365.
Unfortunately the country of Tezos Domains is unknown.
Tezos Domains is a token running on the Tezos blockchain.
Tezos Domains reached an all-time-high of 0.0800124 USD on 12 Jan 2024.
The contract address of Tezos Domains is KT1GY5qCWwmESfTv9dgjYyTYs2T5XGDSvRp1.

Github Statistics (Development)

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