Tune.Fm (JAM)

Tune.Fm (JAM)

Coin Information

Blockchain icon Blockchain: Hedera Hashgraph
Ticker icon Ticker: JAM
Type icon Type: Token
Asset or Contract address icon Contract:

Price Statistics

Market Cap

Fully Diluted Valuation

$1 132 977

Coin Supply

Circ icon Circ.: 6 376 028 240(97%)Question Mark Icon
Total icon Total: 6 600 000 000
Max icon Max: 92 233 720 368

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JAM to USD Converter

About Tune.Fm

Tune.Fm (JAM) is a tokenized music marketplace that operates on a web3 decentralized platform. It offers various features for both artists and music fans, including music NFTs, streaming royalty micropayments, and social audio. Artists and creators can monetize their creations directly from their fans, earning instant royalties for every second their music is streamed. Tune.Fm also provides opportunities for song promotion and the ability to mint music NFTs with multiple songs, albums, art, video, royalties, and exclusive experiences.

For fans and listeners, Tune.Fm enables direct support for artists while providing exclusive access and rewards. Users can earn JAM tokens by playing songs and listening to newly promoted music. The platform allows music streaming at the highest possible quality, directly uploaded by the artists as lossless, uncompressed masters. Additionally, fans can collect music NFTs from their favorite artists, earning streaming royalties alongside them and gaining exclusive access to experiences like meetups, VIP passes, and shows.

The JAM token is the utility token of Tune.Fm, currently valued at $0.00033414 (2992.76 JAM to 1 USD). Tune.Fm is funded and governed by a governance council consisting of 39 members. The platform has a roadmap in place for further development and progress. Tune.Fm also offers wallet and custody services, partnerships, and collaborations with various exchanges and industry partners—the team behind Tune.Fm includes founders, developers, engineers, designers, and advisors contributing to the platform’s success and growth.

Frequently Asked Questions

The current price of Tune.Fm JAM is 0.000171663 USD.
The circulating supply of Tune.Fm is 6376028240.
The total supply of Tune.Fm is 6600000000.
The max supply of Tune.Fm is 92233720368.
Unfortunately the country of Tune.Fm is unknown.
Tune.Fm is a token running on the Hedera Hashgraph blockchain.
Tune.Fm reached an all-time-high of 0.0182136 USD on 9 Jan 2022.
The contract address of Tune.Fm is tunefm.

Github Statistics (Development)

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