USMeme (USM)

USMeme (USM)

Coin Information

Blockchain icon Blockchain: NEAR
Ticker icon Ticker: USM
Type icon Type: Token
Asset or Contract address icon Contract:

Price Statistics

Fully Diluted Valuation

Coin Supply

Total icon Total: 100 000 000 000
Max icon Max: 100 000 000 000

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About USMeme

USMeme (USM) represents an innovative approach to cryptocurrencies with its unique concept of a community-driven stablecoin. Unlike traditional stablecoins that rely strictly on collateral, USMeme thrives on the collective belief of its community, which serves as its foundation. The algorithm supporting USMeme is not fixed; it adapts based on the hopes and aspirations of its users to maintain a price target of $1 while allowing for potential upward growth motivated by community conviction. This makes USMeme a financial asset and a movement driven by shared enthusiasm and belief.

The mechanics of USMeme are centered around a simple yet powerful philosophy: the more individuals buy into the coin, bolstered by unwavering belief, the higher its price will rise. This creates a dynamic where user actions heavily influence the value of USMeme; holding onto the coin contributes to its scarcity, while selling diminishes its value and communal spirit. USMeme encourages users to link their digital wallets seamlessly and participate in transactions that are only successful when infused with genuine belief and intention, reinforcing a sense of unity and purpose within the community.

As part of its structured roadmap, USMeme aims to progress through various phases, including phases dedicated to amplifying its meme culture and community engagement. This initiative seeks to redefine what stablecoins can represent and empowers users to explore a new form of cryptocurrency investment. USMeme distinguishes itself from more conventional options such as USDT or USDC by fostering a vibrant community atmosphere, making it more than just a financial tool. With a mascot, engaging communal interactions, and a focus on belief, USMeme positions itself as a forward-thinking option for those seeking a meaningful crypto experience.

Frequently Asked Questions

We currently have no price information of USMeme USM available.
The circulating supply of USMeme is unknown
The total supply of USMeme is 100000000000.
The max supply of USMeme is 100000000000.
Unfortunately the country of USMeme is unknown.
USMeme is a token running on the NEAR blockchain.
The contract address of USMeme is

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