Viction Bridged USDT (Viction) (USDT)

Viction Bridged USDT (Viction) (USDT)

Coin Information

Blockchain icon Blockchain: TomoChain
Ticker icon Ticker: USDT
Type icon Type: Token
Asset or Contract address icon Contract:

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About Viction Bridged USDT (Viction)

Viction Bridged USDT (Viction), with ticker USDT, is a Layer-1 Blockchain that aims to build an open, secure world where humanity can flourish. With a commitment to accessibility, education, and community, Viction seeks to impact, enable, and empower people. It fosters innovation and strives for a future where every vision can become a victory. This blockchain ecosystem offers zero gas fees and speedy, secure, and reliable transactions, with a block time of 2 seconds and a transaction per second capacity of 2,000. Viction also provides a platform for potential, making blockchain easy and valuable for gaming, consumer apps, and DeFi.

Viction’s ecosystem is expanding and encourages mass adoption. It offers various projects, including LayerZero, Pyth, Covalent, Particle Network, and Empower, which contribute to building an extensive blockchain development and growth platform. Viction aims to empower human potential, providing resources such as a developer guide, block explorer, and masternodes, while also fostering community engagement through events and ambassador programs. Platforms like Viction Wallet, Community Hub, and social media channels like GitHub, Twitter, Discord, and Telegram contribute to building an inclusive and connected community.

Viction Bridged USDT (Viction) holds the vision of creating an inclusive and innovative blockchain ecosystem. With its commitment to accessibility, education, and community, Viction aims to impact and enable individuals, offering zero gas fees and speedy, secure, and reliable transactions. Viction seeks to foster human potential and encourage mass adoption through various projects and resources. By providing a platform that makes blockchain easy and valuable, Viction hopes to create a brighter and more inclusive future.

Frequently Asked Questions

We currently have no price information of Viction Bridged USDT (Viction) USDT available.
The circulating supply of Viction Bridged USDT (Viction) is unknown
The total supply of Viction Bridged USDT (Viction) is unknown.
The max supply of Viction Bridged USDT (Viction) is unknown.
Unfortunately the country of Viction Bridged USDT (Viction) is unknown.
Viction Bridged USDT (Viction) is a token running on the TomoChain blockchain.
The contract address of Viction Bridged USDT (Viction) is 0x381B31409e4D220919B2cFF012ED94d70135A59e.

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