Waves (WAVES)

Waves (WAVES)

Coin Information

Blockchain icon Blockchain: Waves
Ticker icon Ticker: WAVES
Type icon Type: Cryptocurrency
Company icon Company: Waves Platform AG
Proof type icon Proof type: Leased Proof of Stake (LPoS)
Algorithm icon Algorithm: LPoS

Price Statistics

Market Cap

Fully Diluted Valuation

Coin Supply

Circ icon Circ.: 113 913 216Question Mark Icon

Waves Price Chart

WAVES to USD Converter

About Waves

Waves (WAVES) is a community-based stack of decentralized open-source technologies that aims to build scalable and user-friendly applications. It offers developers a simple and intuitive platform to create various applications, including NFTs, DAOs, and other new business models. With its scalable infrastructure, Waves ensures speedy experiences and low user costs. Additionally, Waves is committed to being eco-friendly by minimizing its carbon footprint. It also offers interoperability with other ecosystems, making it easy for users to connect and collaborate.

Today, Waves boasts impressive network statistics, including a global rank 157 and a value locked in DeFi of $202 million. With 23.4k daily transactions and 266 million transactions, Waves is a vibrant and active blockchain network. The Waves price is $0.002, and the average cost per transaction is $1.54. With 111 million circulating supply and 22.0% of tokens staked, the Waves ecosystem continues to grow.

Within the Waves ecosystem, several projects are being developed. Neutrino Index (XTN) is an index token collateralized by a set of Waves ecosystem tokens and governed by the user community. Dex WX Network is a decentralized trading protocol with investment tools and a user-friendly interface. The Amm project provides an automated market maker on the Waves Blockchain, combining various liquidity pools. Waves Ducks is an NFT-based game featuring collectible digital duck images. SIGN Art is a digital marketplace for crypto collectibles and NFTs. The Waves ecosystem also offers a decentralized exchange and a cross-chain staking protocol called PepeTeam, allowing WAVES holders to earn passive income.

Frequently Asked Questions

The current price of Waves WAVES is 1.41481 USD.
The circulating supply of Waves is 113913216.
The total supply of Waves is unknown.
The max supply of Waves is unknown.
Waves is based in: Switzerland.
Waves is a cryptocurrency running on its own blockchain.
Waves reached an all-time-high of 62.706 USD on 31 Mar 2022.

Github Statistics (Development)

Total Commits

WAVES Markets on Crypto Exchanges

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