Coin Information

Blockchain icon Blockchain: WAX
Ticker icon Ticker: WAX
Type icon Type: Cryptocurrency
Algorithm icon Algorithm: DPoS

Price Statistics

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Circ icon Circ.: 3 414 388 736Question Mark Icon

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About WAX

The Worldwide Asset eXchange (WAX) is a purpose-built blockchain and protocol token designed to improve the speed, ease, and security of e-commerce transactions. It is specifically geared towards the needs of blockchain gamers and NFT collectors and can handle more than 23 million daily transactions for many dApps and users. WAX is reliable and efficient and is a carbon-neutral platform. In addition to its main functions, WAX also offers a range of infrastructure guides to help users set up and maintain the WAX blockchain in a scalable and resilient way.

There are several types of nodes available in the WAX ecosystem, each with its specific use case. Peer nodes are the most common type of nodes responsible for relaying transactions and blocks to other nodes in the network. API query nodes allow users to query the blockchain for information and can be used to build dApps or other applications. Validator/block producer nodes are responsible for validating transactions and producing blocks, and ship nodes (also known as archive nodes) store a full history of the blockchain. Full/partial history nodes are also available, and there are specific nodes for NFT standards and marketplaces such as AtomicAssets, AtomicMarket, and SimpleAssets.

Overall, WAX is a powerful and comprehensive platform that offers developers a range of features and tools, including quickstarts, sample code, API reference guides, and more. It is well-suited for building and deploying high-performance, secure dApps and focuses strongly on infrastructure and scalability.

Frequently Asked Questions

The current price of WAX WAX is 0.0237436 USD.
The circulating supply of WAX is 3414388736.
The total supply of WAX is unknown.
The max supply of WAX is unknown.
WAX is based in: Cayman Islands.
WAX is a cryptocurrency running on its own blockchain.
WAX reached an all-time-high of 5.01221 USD on 21 Dec 2017.

Github Statistics (Development)

Total Commits

WAX Markets on Crypto Exchanges

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