Wrapped TOMO (WTOMO)

Wrapped TOMO (WTOMO)

Coin Information

Flag of Singapore Singapore (SG)
Blockchain icon Blockchain: TomoChain
Ticker icon Ticker: WTOMO
Type icon Type: Token
Asset or Contract address icon Contract:

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About Wrapped TOMO

Wrapped TOMO (WTOMO) is a cryptocurrency part of the TomoChain ecosystem, a highly scalable and secure blockchain network. TomoChain takes a community-driven approach to accelerate the mass adoption of web3 applications. With a processing capability of 2,000 transactions per second and a blocktime of 2 seconds, the TomoChain network is blazing fast. Transactions on Wrapped TOMO can be completed in the blink of an eye, providing users with a seamless and efficient experience.

Wrapped TOMO’s key advantage is its near-zero fees. Users can make thousands of transactions for less than $1, making it a cost-effective option for individuals and businesses. The TomoChain blockchain is secured by a highly decentralized masternode network, ensuring the safety and integrity of transactions. Additionally, TomoChain takes a people-powered approach, with the community playing a crucial role in the development and partnerships of the network through TomoMasterDAO.

As part of the TomoChain ecosystem, Wrapped TOMO empowers builders to develop and grow their projects. TomoChain provides a fast and efficient blockchain platform compatible with the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM), making it easy for developers to build and deploy their applications. With comprehensive support, including technology, financing, networking, consultancy, listing, and marketing, TomoChain offers a robust ecosystem for builders to thrive.

Frequently Asked Questions

We currently have no price information of Wrapped TOMO WTOMO available.
The circulating supply of Wrapped TOMO is unknown
The total supply of Wrapped TOMO is unknown.
The max supply of Wrapped TOMO is unknown.
Wrapped TOMO is based in: Singapore.
Wrapped TOMO is a token running on the TomoChain blockchain.
The contract address of Wrapped TOMO is 0xB1f66997A5760428D3a87D68b90BfE0aE64121cC.

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