ZetaChain (ZETA)

ZetaChain (ZETA)

Coin Information

Blockchain icon Blockchain: ZetaChain
Ticker icon Ticker: ZETA
Type icon Type: Cryptocurrency

Price Statistics

Fully Diluted Valuation

$595 342 335

Coin Supply

Total icon Total: 2 100 000 000
Max icon Max: 2 100 000 000

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About ZetaChain

ZetaChain (ZETA) is an interoperability platform that aims to connect different blockchains and build omnichain decentralized applications (dApps). It is an Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM)-compatible L1 blockchain that enables the creation of dApps that span any chain, including Bitcoin. ZetaChain provides developers and users with a single entry point to access and interact with multiple chains, simplifying the complexity of the crypto ecosystem.

With over 11 million cross-chain transactions, 1.8k+ dApps deployed, and 1.5 million+ testnet users, ZetaChain aims to make crypto accessible to everyone. It believes crypto should be easy and safe, just like the Internet. ZetaChain’s main goal is to provide interoperability in a crypto world that is currently insular and fragmented. It removes the need for users to understand the intricacies of different chains and allows developers to build and deploy apps that can work seamlessly across multiple chains.

As the only public, decentralized blockchain and smart contract platform that enables message passing and value transfer between any blockchain, including non-smart contract chains like Bitcoin and Dogecoin, ZetaChain is uniquely positioned to enhance interoperability in the crypto space. By working towards a connected future, ZetaChain aims to lower the barrier to entry for crypto users and enable a more seamless and secure experience across various industries.

Frequently Asked Questions

The current price of ZetaChain ZETA is 0.285273 USD.
The circulating supply of ZetaChain is unknown
The total supply of ZetaChain is 2100000000.
The max supply of ZetaChain is 2100000000.
Unfortunately the country of ZetaChain is unknown.
ZetaChain is a cryptocurrency running on its own blockchain.
ZetaChain reached an all-time-high of 2.77604 USD on 27 Feb 2024.

Github Statistics (Development)

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ZETA Markets on Crypto Exchanges

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