When attempting to be successful with financial trading, there is a lot of different advice out there. Some of this advice is great and some of it is not so good. The advice that isn’t good, may even have been great advice at one point. But one of the key things about financial trading, which we will touch on in more detail later, is that the markets change and you need to be adaptable. This is why the strategies that we discuss in this article are what you could term evergreen trading strategies, they should be useful now in 2024 and have at least some useful application in the future.
The importance of having a reputable broker
One of the most important things that you can do to ensure your success when you trade in any of the various financial markets is to have a reputable broker. While it is possible to trade on various financial markets without a broker or platform helping you to do it, it makes the whole process needlessly complicated. Using a reputable broker to help you trade makes the process simpler and helps to protect you while you’re trading.
Of the many things that a broker can provide you with, they will likely give you access to a platform to trade from. The benefit of this is that the platforms provided by reputable brokers are fast and secure, letting you see the market move in real-time and make fast decisions that are reacted to responsively by the platform. These platforms can often be known by the term trading terminal, but the phrasing doesn’t matter, what matters is that the best and most reputable brokers will provide you with opportunities to learn and improve your trading skills on these platforms.
Key trading strategies in 2024
This is by no means an exhaustive list and is in no particular order, but the following are the most popular strategies that traders are using in 2024:
Day trading
This is a relatively short-term strategy in which all the movements are planned and carried out within one day. The idea is to make gains on small movements and by having enough capital that those small gains add up to a lot. Because all of the action takes place during a single day and is actively monitored and scrutinised, day traders are avoiding overnight risks when they aren’t watching the market.
Technical analysis
This is one of the bread-and-butter skills that most traders use when they are focused on short-term trading. The term is a blanket that involves studying historical data and searching for patterns and trends that could indicate future movements. There are lots of tools, indicators and rubrics that traders use to help them with their technical analysis of the market.
Fundamental analysis
Conversely to technical analysis, this is the bread-and-butter skill of traders who are more interested in long-term investments. Fundamental analysis requires a trader to keep a wide view of all sorts of macroeconomic factors that might impact whichever market they are trading in. These traders are seeking to understand the underlying factors that affect how prices move.
The financial markets are a complicated beast to get to grips with, but there are lots of different strategies and methods that can be successful. Regardless of if you are just starting out with trading or are a seasoned pro, it’s pretty certain that you’ll be using some of the strategies that we covered above and it’s a sure thing that you’ll be all the more successful for it if you are able to stay adaptable.