The 'Verified Badge' explained

What does the verified badge mean?
The verified badge means that a representative has validated the data we listed on their page. In the case of missing or incorrect data, it has been updated and corrected at the time of validation.
What does verified the badge not mean?
The verified badge does not imply an endorsement by
How to get the verified badge?
A representative can use our update data form to inform us of missing or incorrect data. After our verification process, we will update the page with the new data and add the ‘verified badge’. We will let the representative know when this is done.
Is getting verified free of charge?
Yes, getting verified is always free of charge! If any person or e-mail tells you otherwise or provides services to get verified, they are lying. Reach out to us if you want to know more about the advantages. We are happy to grant more verified badges.
Where can I find all recently verified coins?
You can view a complete list by visiting our verified coins page. This list is regularly updated to showcase the latest verified coins and their details.
How can I help?
Do you want to help getting your favorite project or company verified? You can let them know by sharing this page to their social media channels.
You can use these buttons to get started:
You can use these buttons to get started: