StakeBooster Token (SBT)

StakeBooster Token (SBT)

Coin Information

Blockchain icon Blockchain: Waves
Ticker icon Ticker: SBT
Type icon Type: Token
Asset or Contract address icon Contract:

Price Statistics

Fully Diluted Valuation

Coin Supply

Total icon Total: 10 000 000
Max icon Max: 10 000 000

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About StakeBooster Token

StakeBooster Token (SBT) is a non-custodial platform that allows users to maximize their potential with their money. Through this platform, individuals can earn rewards by leveraging better boosts. The total value locked (TVL) in StakeBooster Token is currently $62,728, while the total revenue generated is $2,463. With 1,742,653 WX staked and 1,742,611 gWX available, users can lock their SBT for 120 days and start earning protocol rewards.

By converting WX to sbWX, users can increase their earnings potential with their WX. Additionally, providing liquidity in the sbWX/WX pool offers extra rewards, including protocol revenue shares and SBT rewards. It is important to note that converting WX to sbWX is an irreversible process. However, secondary markets allow the exchange of sbWX for WX at different market rates. The StakeBooster Token and SBT rewards enable individuals to optimize their yield across various protocols.

As a beta version, users should exercise caution and understand the associated risks before using the platform. To learn more about StakeBooster Token, users can refer to the provided documentation links or engage with the StakeBooster community through their GitHub, Twitter, or Telegram channels. StakeBooster Token is paving the way for individuals to do more with their money and maximize their potential for rewards.

Frequently Asked Questions

We currently have no price information of StakeBooster Token SBT available.
The circulating supply of StakeBooster Token is unknown
The total supply of StakeBooster Token is 10000000.
The max supply of StakeBooster Token is 10000000.
Unfortunately the country of StakeBooster Token is unknown.
StakeBooster Token is a token running on the Waves blockchain.
The contract address of StakeBooster Token is vAYvjoLheNuvi2wRdQYK9NUjJ6ZQ5EkAtx7jy36rK13.

Github Statistics (Development)

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